Happy Birthday!

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  • Dedicated to Birthday Kids

A/N: So this is a sort of sorry chappie, I wanted to appoligize for being absent and not updating for awhile, SO VERY SORRY! Just been a hecktack month, my sister's birthday was last week and so was mine so that's that week, then I was working on a really long story for a school competition so that took a good two weeks for me to do, and I was lazy in late december.... so yeah enjoy! And yeah thank you for not being (food throwing food) angry at me!

~Hazel Levesque has posted a message on Nico's skull~~


ps: why did you change your wall's name to skull?


Nico Di Angelo: NO WHY DID YOU DO THIS NOW ALL OF THEM WILL START! and I didn't. Leo set it up for me, and well, yeah.-.-


Percy Jackson: Happy birthday death breath!

Frank Zhang: Why didn't I know it was your birthday?

Nico Di Angelo: Cuz you didn't ask

Annabeth Chase: Gods Nico, why didn't you ever tell anyone?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Leo Valdez: Man, now I haev to go and make you something, what you want?

Nico Di Angelo: For this day to end, that's what (_-_)

Preator Reyna: Happy returning day of birth Di Angelo

Nico Di Angelo: yeah, thanks Reyna.

~Leo Valdez has updated his status~

Why does Nico no tell no one bout day of da birth?!


Hazel Levesque: Idk why I said that over the web, I should have just IM'd him

Percy Jackson: I know, I haven't ever known what his birthday is, it's strange he won't ever say

Annabeth Chase: We should do something nice for him

Leo Valdez: Does anyone know what he likes?

Percy Jackson: To be left alone

Annabeth Chase: Mrs. O' Leary

Hazel Levesque: Kittens

Leo Valdez: And Harry Potter...

Frank Zhang: he likes his sword

Jason Grace: He likes being up high, but he does NOT like flying

Hazel Levesque: He likes Chinese and Italian food

Annabeth Chase: Okay so we get him a kitten, bring mrs o'leary up to the camp, something harry potter, sword polish, a crows nest type of thing and some chinese or italian food?

Leo Valdez: Sounds good, I call the Harry Potter thing!

Percy Jackson: me and Jason can work on the crows nest thing

Hazel Levesque: I'll cook the food

Frank Zhang: I'll go find the sword polish

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