Chapter 12 : The First Task

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The first event. Dragons. I walked with Hermione, making way to the champions tent.

People start taking bets from the Weasley twins. Idiots.

"Just wait here" Hermione says.

I stand about 2 feet away from the tent, she walks up to it pulling the tent back up slightly.

"Pssst! Harry ? Is that you ?" She asks.

"Yeah" Harry replies.

Although I was standing a bit far, I could still hear their conversation.

"How are you feeling ? OK ? The key is to concentrate, after that you just have to. . ." She trails.

"Battle a dragon" Harry says plainly, finishing her scentence.

She lets out a sigh, jumping into the tent. Probably pulling Harry into a hug.

Rita Skeeter walks into the tent. Ironic.

"Young love! Ohh how. . .stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today you might make the front page" Rita speaks, bittersweetly.

"You have no business here, this tent is for champions and friends" Viktor says sternly. Damn, he's so gorgeous even his voice gives me shivers.

"No matter, we've got what we wanted" Rita responds, her footsteps die down, I've taken Hermiones place by the back of the tent peaking through the tarp.

"Good day champions, gather round please, now you've waited, you've wondered and at last the moment has arrived, the moment only four of you can fully appreciate" Dumbledore spoke, everyone gathering in a circle around him.

"What are you doing here Miss Granger ?" He asks, looking at her confused. Hermione shuffles awkwardly.

"Oh um. . .sorry I'll just go" She speaks quietly, exiting the same way she came in, I roll my eyes.

"Well that could've gone a little more smoothly" I say, walking away from the tent towards the stadium.

"Quite," Hermione laughs "Should we get a good seat ?" She asks looking at me.

"Sure, just make sure I hold up a 'I love Cedric' sign" I fake whine, we both laughed, making our way to our seats shuffling past as many people as possible.


We all watched as all three out of four champions had collected their eggs. Turning a rock into a dog was quite a clever move, coming from Cedric.

"Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task, and now our fourth and final contestant" Dumbledore says over a loud speaker.

Everyone lets out a cheer as Harry enters the arena, people from all over the stadium, Gryffindor, chanting his name. I join in too.

Harry tries to make a b-line for the golden egg that is sitting to what seems to be by itself. The dragon appears from behind a rock, Harry is forced behind a rock. The dragon breathes flames towards him, he stumbles around the arena.

"Your wand harry! Your wand!" Hermione calls out.

Harry soon points his wand up.

I cheer, a broom zoomes past and Harry jumps onto it, he chases the dragon around the arena but soon the crowd lets out a gasp, the dragon breaks free from its restraints.

"FLY! HARRY! GET AWAY!" I scream.

Harry flys away and off around the grounds where no one can see.

The dragon gives chase bursting through the crowd.

I look towards Hermione, we both share a stunned look.

The whole stadium silent.

Everyone let's put a massive cheer, Harry flys towards the stadium and the crowd erupts in a cheer as he dives for the golden egg. He grabs it zooming into the sky and down onto the arena showing off the egg triumphantly over his head.

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