Chapter 9 : The Edge Of The Forest

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Walking with Harry to the Owlery, asking about the tournament.

"So how did that happen ?" I ask, walking up the iced steps, careful not to slip.

"I-I don't know actually I was hoping someone else would be able to explain to me" Harry replied, putting both hands in his pocket, his eyes drifting to the floor.

"Hm, I guess there's nothing you can do about it," I sigh, putting my cold hands into my, slightly, warmer pockets "Without others thinking that you did it just to get into the spotlight"

We both reach the top, I didn't look where I was going and ended bumping into someone's chest.

"Hey! Watch where your going" A male voice spoke, I pull back to look up at the person I had bumped into. It was George Weasley. I'm thinking about him way to much, now he's everywhere.

"Oh sorry George. . ." I shrug, laughing rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh actually, I was looking for you, do you think you could come with me for a second ?" George asks, grasping my hand. Harry nodding, leaving to get his letter from Sirius.

"Uh. . .sure why not," I sigh, he instantly pulled me away and flew down the steps.

Looking back over my shoulder. Harry my eyes wide at his gesture, he gave me a playful thumbs up. I laugh in response before walking down the steps, holding George's hand.

"Uh. . .George ?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Yeah" He answered, a smile on his face.

"You don't have to hold my hand you know" I said, holding up my hand, his hands still grasping it.

"Oh right" He said instantly letting go putting his hands in his trouser pockets.

"So where are you taking me Georgie ?" I ask, walking back to the castle next to him.

"You'll see" He replies, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Following him through the castle and to the edge of the forbidden forest.

My feet are frozen, my eyes glued to the surging darkness that dances around the light.

"George why are we here ? You know it's off limits" I asked.

He walked to a tree and leaned his shoulder against it looking at me.

"I know perfectly well all of the rules but have you met me Elyse ? Fred and myself have broken every rule to date at Hogwarts I don't think a forest is going to scare me" He smiles smugly, looking over his shoulder at the forest.

"Well I guess. . ." I said. He walked into the forest and looked back to see me, I hadn't moved. A single foot had not shifted.

"What wrong ?" He asked, walking back over to me.

"I-I-if I tell you promise not to laugh at me" I stammer, taking in a shaky breath.

"Yeah sure I promise" He said, grabbing my shoulders.

"I. . .I. . .I'm scared of. . .the. . .dark" I breath shakily, I hide my face with both my hands, not wanting to look at him.

"I wouldn't have guessed," George smiled our eyes locked, he looked to the side "Of all things Miss.Badass-Slytherin is scared of the dark?" He asked.

A nervous laugh escape my lips.

"Yeah pretty pathetic right ?" I ask, letting out a nervous chuckle.

I walked towards the edge of the forest, resting my hand on a tree.

"Not that pathetic," He sighs, lacing his fingers with it "Let me help" He said.

He smiles at me, I let out a breath allowing George to take the lead.

To where I hoped somewhere with loads of light.

Joke's On You ~George Weasley~Where stories live. Discover now