Chapter 1 : The News

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Sunlight streaking through my windows, waking me up with excitement.

The Quidditch World Cup would be hosted in 5 days. Only hoping that they bought tickets, it was the only thing that I was takling about for the past week. Please, please, please, I hope they bought tickets.

"Eeeellllyyyssseee!" Mum calls from the kitchen, still in my pyjamas I hop down the stairs one by one.

"Coming!" I reply reaching the landing, walking into the kitchen and sitting down at the table. My nose filled by the notorious smell of breakfast foods.

"Bacon ? Eggs ?" She asks, waving her wand, a plate full of eggs, bacon and toast landing in front of me with a cup of orange juice filling itself.

"Good morning Mistress Walker" Greenie, our house elf, says walking over to the sink.

"Good morning Greenie!" I smile cheerfully. We had set him free but he insisted he stay, my mother and father didn't like having house elf but I did, not as a slave but as a friend. I can always talk to Greenie whenever my parents were at work.

"So anything new in the prophet ?" I ask, cutting up my eggs and placing it on a piece of toast, taking a crunchy bite.

"Nope nothing yet, except..." Dad trails, letting out a sigh and closing it, taking a sip of his black coffee.

"Except ?" I question, taking a sip of orange juice, hoping he would surprise me with tickets.

"The Tri-Wizard Tournament is this year" He responds, letting out a disappointed sigh.

"What ?!" I exclaim, just barely managing not to splutter my orange juice.

"What did you say dear ?" Mum asks, turning around slowly looking at him.

"The Tri-Wizard Tournament is coming back and is being hosted at Hogwarts" He sighs, looking over at her.

"No it can't be" She responds, taking a seat opposite me placing her breakfast on the table.

"No it can't," I said, finishing my breakfast "They haven't hosted it in over...over..." I struggle, trying to rememeber, looking up at my parents. Their expressions speechless and full of worry.

"In over 302 years" Mum responds, she bit her lip and nodded her head at dad.

"Elyse" Dad said sternly.

"Yes ?" I ask, slightly, worried at what he was going to say.

"Where are you going ?" Mum asks, as I rise from my seat.  

"I'm going to pack my trunk, I don't want to leave it last minute" I smile, walking out.

Walking up the stairs and flopping down onto my four poster bed, a sigh escaping my lips. A few mintues passed, looking at the ceiling and hauling myself up, I start packing my trunk. There was only a few last necessities, a few of books for Potions, my bottle of hippogriff feathers, a small vile of rosemary and thyme, a knock came from the other side of my door.

"Elyse ?" Dad asks, poking his head through the door.

"Yes dad ?" I asked, finishing up my packing.

Pulling out my wand, placing a charm on my trunk, so it wouldn't break or get any damage. Turning around to see his expression, less hard than earlier and more cheery as he came in and sat on my bed, beckoning me towards him. I plop myself next to him.

"I have something to tell you" He said, his voice full of excitement.

"Yes ?" I said raising my eyebrows, my eyes widening.

"I got us tickets to the Quidditch world cup!" He smiles, pulling the tickets out of his pocket and showing me them.

Taking one of the tickets he offered and flinging myself into his arms, almost crying at how happy I was.

"THANK YOU! DAD! MERLINS BEARD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I jump, dancing around my bed, waving my ticket in the air.

"You're welcome but..." He sighs, lowering his head.

"What is it dad ?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"I got us seats next to The Weasleys!" He said, dropping the sad act, a smile on his face. Nudging him with my elbow rolling my eyes.

"Well I better start packing for the trip" He says, placing a kiss on my head, getting up and walking towards the door.

"Dad ?" I ask, as he reaches the door.

"Yes ?"

"How long are we going for ? I just want to know so I'm prepared" I smile, waving my wand, my fossil coloured backpack gliding towards me.

My wardrobe doors open and clothes start folding and putting themselves in my bag.

"Less than a day," He replies, leaving the room "Oh and we set off at 6:30am so don't forget your book, I know you'll need it and we are setting up our tent next to the Weasley family so if you get lost just look out for Arthur and his sons, daughter and Harry," He says finally, closing the door behind him.

Placing my ticket in the front zip in backpack with precision. I didn't want to put it in the main part of my bag or I would have lost it.

Extendable bag charm, Hermione taught me, quite easy to learn actually.

I finish packing and changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, buzzing with excitement to see the Quidditch World Cup camp grounds.

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