Chapter 7

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  It had been half an hour.

Half an hour of torture was more like it. 

I felt like a tiger stalking its prey as I glared at the clock that hung over the white board in Mrs. Grace's class. I tapped my foot anxiously, clutching the pencil in my hand so hard I thought it might snap. I hadn't taken any notes in class today as Mrs. Grace stood in front, yapping her life away. I couldn't think about anything else but the vampire that sat next to me. His minty scent laced around me and even though it smelled amazing, I couldn't fight the urge to gag. The worst part was the helpless girls who would sneak looks at him throughout class. It was unnerving in the first place, only the worst part was every time James caught a girl looking at him, he would flirt with them! He would wiggle his eyebrows then wink at them like it was nothing. It was quite hard to focus on the teacher with girls that turned their gazes in my direction. Every time I caught a girl looking in my direction I would narrow my eyes and shoot daggers at them. 

Why was this guy here anyway? Was he stalking me? I mean, why else would he be here? Other than killing me of course. There really wasn't any other reason for him to be at my school sitting next to me- 

Suddenly, I felt a something on my thigh. I shivered as I looked down and found James's hand laying on top of my thigh. Angry, I looked up at him with a glare. There he was with his electric blue eyes, full of mischief, grinning at me. I should have melted at the spot at his to die for expression but I was too fixated on the hand griping my thigh. I looked down and grabbed his strong hand, only it wouldn't budge.

I tried to pry each finger one at a time, but they wouldn't detach themselves from my jeans. It was no use. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he had managed to superglue it there. I looked up to find his eyes twinkling and the same grin plastered across his face. I narrowed my eyes and pointed to his hand on me secretly so the teacher wouldn't catch me.

"Move your hand. Now." I said through clenched teeth, my voice barely a whisper.

He didn't take his eyes off my own as his hand moved slightly towards my inner thigh. I stifled a gasp, thankful that only a couple drooling girls had heard it. James gave me a smirk as he awarded himself for being a smart-ass. My mind was on full alert and I couldn't think of anything else except for James's hand on my thigh. It sent shivers up and down my body uncontrollably. 

Did I like it? Of course not! 

"James." I said, gritting my teeth. 

He plastered an innocent expression across his face as he asked, "Yes, Roselyn?"

"Get your hand off me now." I demanded in a whisper.

He shook his head as his blue eyes twinkled. "I think you could say that in a nicer way. Don't you think?" 

A nicer way? Was he kidding me? His hand was on my body! Why would I say it in a nicer way? I stared into his baby blues as he held them on me unmoving. 

I let out a fake smile, catching  James by surprise as I laid my small hand over his own. "Get you're damn hand off my body before I rip it off and stick it up your ass."  

He looked shocked at first then covered it up with a smirk and shook his head. 

Ugh, was he serious? I looked up at his perfect face and accepted the only way he would move his hand if I was nice.

I tried to calm myself down first. I breathed deeply into James eyes. "Could you" I paused, "please, take your hand off my leg?"

He smiled as if he won a million bucks then looked down at his hand. "Oh, yeah. I didn't even notice it there. My bad." 

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