Camber Sands

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The phone rang in the distance down in the lounge room. "Jenni, I'll get it!" I screamed from my room. I ran downstairs, stopping suddenly. I sighed of what happened last night.

"Well? Are you going to get it or not?" Jenni chuckled from the top of the stairs. I smiled, and continued running. I jumped on the white sofa and grabbed the phone. "Nice jump."

"Hello?" I panted.

"Hi Julia! It's Nialler!" he exclaimed, in his strong and perfect Irish accent. He was in a great mood today. It's like we've known each other for years, when we've only just met yesterday.

"Oh hi, what's up?"

"Do you want to come to the beach with us? We're going to Camber Sands,"

"Yes!" Jenni screamed from the top of her lungs.

"No-- but..." I muttered. Don't have Jenni in the house when you're talking to Niall Horan. Which is, quite surprisingly, possible.

"So, it's settled! It's about 28 degrees here, so we better get going. We'll wait in Louis' car. You know what it looks like, don't you?"

"Yes," I sighed. "We'll be there in about 5. See you." I put the phone back in its case. "Jenni!" I screamed.

"What?" she smiled deviously.

"I didn't want to go!"

"Sorry..." she shrugged, and ran upstairs to get her stuff. I groaned at her happiness, since I wasn't in the mood today, neither like Jenni or Niall.

"How long?" I asked.

Louis looked at my watch, and then kept his eyes on the road. "5 minutes."

I looked over my shoulder, and they were all leaned on each other. They were all snoring lightly, which was a relief. They were asleep for about 45 minutes, and Louis and I are the only ones awake.

"Sorry for about last night. I mean, I still love you." he took a glance at me for those last words, and returned his eyes on the road. "And for 2 years ago, I was in a rush, I didn't have time to tell you. My phone was dead, I didn't bring my charger to bootcamp, and I couldn't contact you." His smile turned into a frown. I perked up as I saw the ocean in the distance, but about what Louis said, is going to keep me thinking for a couple days.

"It's alright," I chuckled, and rested my hand on my thigh."I don't hold grudges for my best friends. I mean, you're still my best friend though, since you're with 'underwear model'."

"She has a name," he sighed happily. "And be honest, I'm a slut, right?" He said as he put his hand on top of mine, one arm on the steering wheel.

"I know her name, and, yes you are." That's right everyone! I called him a slut! I called Louis Tomlinson a slut, dammit!

He gasped lightly, and slapped my arm playfully. "You kissed me 2 times in 'that' way, you don't call that slutty? You're the one who started it anyway." I groaned. He nodded and smiled as we pulled over into parking place. He swung his arm over my chair, looking at the back to reverse. He ruffled his hair and turned off the engine, making me smile. "Wake up everyone! We're here!" he shouted and got out of the car.

I reached for the handle of the door, and it opened. I heard them groaning, and the squeaking of the seats as they stretched. "Are we there yet?" Niall asked, flicking his head around with his eyes closed.

"Louis, I can get out myself," I chuckled. He took my hand and pulled me out of the car, accidently landing in his arms. "Sorry." I muttered as he pushed me up.

"That's okay," he said as he pulled the door open for the others. I watched as Joyce nearly fell out, leaning on her heels, about to fall face-down in the concrete. "Harry..." I muttered and rubbed my nose. He snapped, and threw himself out of the van to catch Joyce. She was drowsy, only if she took naps on cars, buses, planes or anything like that. Harry held out his arms, as Joyce slowly fell down as her eyes shooting open.

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