Alone Again

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Song Inspiration; Tell Me Why by Taylor Swift

"Is she okay?" Zayn asked, looking at Jenni, who was lying on the floor.

"Oh, my mum's calling me. I'm going for the week now. We're going to Dublin," She smiled, and turned to me. "I have to go, nice meeting you girls!" Eleanor said enthusiastically, kissing Louis passionately and ran out to her car.

"Dublin!" Niall shouted, and threw his arm in the air.

"Hazza, who's that?"

"Who the hell? She sounds familiar!" Jenni woke up, feeling her strength build up.

"Hi, my name is Joy-" She gaped, embracing Jenni and I in a tighter hug than Louis'. It was our best friend Joyce, from kindergarten. She left Sydney to go to London, living with her boyfriend. Joyce was 20 years old though.

"What are you doing here?" She chuckled, letting us go and her hair getting ruffled by Harry. She must've been talking about him.

"We're staying in London for the summer and we're coming back to Sydney." Jenni replied after staring at Zayn for too long.

"Do you want to come in?" Niall asked.

"We'd love to hear about your adventures when you and Louis were younger," Liam winked.

"No thanks, I think-"

"We'd love to!" Jenni nudged me, gesturing me to follow her lead.

I was stuck in middle of Niall and Louis, and Jenni stuck with Zayn on the other couch. Joyce and Harry were busy snogging on the other couch. Liam was staring at Louis and I, crossing his legs. "So, how did you and Louis meet?" Liam asked.

"Ask him." I nudged Louis' side.

"Well, we were in kindergarten. Julia hated me for putting a paint mark on her cheek, so then during recess, she was in the sandbox." He inhaled heavily, catching a breath. "And then she started throwing sand at me. I wanted it to stop, so I made conversation and gave her a carrot!"


"The end." Julia smiled.

I took the last piece of pizza, Louis pouting because he wanted it. "No, you are not having it." I snapped, as I neared the pizza near my mouth.

"NOOOOOOO! It's like a year without carrots!" He shouted. The pizza began to brush against my lips, until he slapped the pizza out of my hand, landing onto the black fur carpet.

"Louis!" We all shouted. "Now you're going to have to the rest of chores from now on! Because remember, we swore to each other that whoever made the first mess in the house has to the lifetime of chores in this house." Zayn laughed at Louis' misery, and imagining all the things he had to do for the rest of the summer.

"Typical Julia." He smirked and chuckled quietly under his breath.

I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Do you want help?" I sighed and got up from the couch.

He nodded desperately, and I followed him in the kitchen, leaving the others alone to watch Friends.

"Alone again." I muttered.

He agreed by nodding fast. He stepped forward towards me, and stared into my eyes with his deep blue and beautiful eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "Would you tell someone

's girlfriend if they made out with you?" He asked, his lips nearly brushing against mine.

"No." Honestly, that was the most stupidest question I have ever heard from the start of this year.

"Good." He whispered against my lips. His lips brushed against mine, making me shiver. He unwrapped his arms from my waist, and he stepped back. He turned on the tap, the sink slowly filling up with foam bubbles. I walked slowly towards him, until he threw a handful of foam bubbles at my nose. I gasped lightly, and wiped some on his chin. He smirked seductively at me, making me die inside. "Like old times, aye?" He chuckled, and wiped some foam bubbles on my cheek. I nodded, as he wrapped his arms me, putting my hair to the side from my face. I was lost in his blue eyes, until he broke the gaze with a kiss. He deepened the kiss, his lips moving slowly with mine. I slowly rose my hand to get foam bubbles, and broke the kiss and putting foam bubbles in his hair. He laughed, and shook his head.

Did he really like me?

It's Not Just You; A Louis Tomlinson Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now