chapter fifteen

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it's been a week since kian and i hung out and he was now calling an 'urgent meeting'. we would all call these meetings whenever we had news to tell the friend group. kian's must've been somewhat important because he said he wanted to tell us immediately.

i made my way out from kian and jc's kitchen into their living room, being met with all our our close friends sitting around as we all waited on kian.

"typical kian. he calls an urgent meeting and is the last one to show up," bobby joked, turning the vlogging camera towards himself. i couldn't help but giggle at his remark seeming it was true. jc was beginning to crack jokes when kian walked through the front door.

i smiled seeing how cute he looked in his outfit and how giggly he was but me smile soon faded when i noticed he was dragging hailey close behind him. they stood in front of the rest of us, holding each other somewhat close before pulling apart and standing side by side.

"okay, so you're all probably wondering what is so important that you guys had to be called together," he laughed, running a hand through his hair and shuffling his stature. "yeah, we are. now get on with things, grandpa," dom laughed, making kian smile and everyone else laugh as well.

"okay so as everyone hopefully knows by now, hailey and i have been dating for a couple months. recently, she was accepted by nyu and there's no way i could tell her to turn that down," he spoke, making me bored with her college announcement.

"i'm not sure either of us could handle a long distance relationship so i've decided to fly out there and live with her for awhile," he smiled, "i know things are moving fast, but it's pretty safe to say i'm so happy and i'm feeling something i haven't felt in awhile."

everyone was shocked, left with open mouths and wide eyes. i was speechless; so many emotions were starting to flutter through my body. jc broke the silence, "what are you gonna do about our channel?"

"the only thing i can think of is to film a lot of videos that way they'll just need to be edited and uploaded whenever it's time to post," kian said, looking up and realizing everyone seemed kind of sad on his decision.

i sat still, shaking my head to myself in disbelief. my anxiety piled on top of all the other emotions that were running everywhere as he continued to speak. not being able to take much more of this, i stood up and walked past kian and hailey as i reached the front door.

i ran my hands through my hair due to stress as tears began to stream down my cheeks. i fumbled with my keys, barely being able to get the door unlocked before hurrying up the stairs and into my bedroom. anger was now shining through the most as i grabbed a stuffed animal off of my bed and chucked it against the wall.

i then flopped onto my bed, screaming as loud as i possibly could in my pillow so that i didn't disturb the entire subdivision. things were just working themselves out to where we were getting close again and he breaks the news that he's moving across the country? i know i sounded selfish but what the hell was kian thinking? he's been with hailey for around two months and he's making the decision to move to new york with her?

i stood up, needing something to calm my nerves so i walked outside to my balcony. i walked over to where my hiding spot was, opening the compartment and grabbing a blueberry blunt from the mason jar along with a lighter. i sparked up the blunt, throwing the lighter back in as well as the jar and shutting it before anyone saw.

i sat on my swing, still crying my eyes out but now trying to ease the pain by getting high. "olivia?" i heard my name being called form inside my room but right now i didn't want to speak to anyone. i turned my head, allowing my view to recognize adrian standing by the glass door.

"what?" i sniffed before wiping a tear away with the back of my hand, "i'm fine, really. i don't really wanna talk about things right now so if you could jus-"

"you're not fine," she said, coming out to where i sat and sitting down beside me. she hugged me, allowing me to cry a little harder before i pulled away and took another deep inhale from the blunt.

"i just don't get it. what does she have that i don't? that any other girl who wouldn't make him move across the fucking country doesn't? this isn't the right thing to do, he doesn't know her well enough to leave everything he has," i rambled, my crying slowing down as i was now feeling the effects of the weed.

"it'll all be okay, liv. don't stress this more than you have to," she assured, rubbing my back and taking a hit from the blunt before kian's voice sap indeed from behind us. "liv?"

i wipes my remaining tears, seeing adrian raise her eyebrows before handing me the blunt back and getting up to leave us alone to talk. "no offense, kian, but i really don't wanna talk to you right now," i sighed, taking a big hit seeing him come from my room and standing near me in my peripheral.

"look, i'm sorry i didn't tell you first. i jus-" he started, causing me to deeply inhale before i turned to him completely. "that's not why i'm upset, kian. how could you choose to do something like this? you and hailey haven't been together long enough to move to new york," i huffed, inhaling once more from my blunt.

"what if things between y'all don't end up working out? i'm scared you're gonna get yourself into something you'll end up regretting, kian. have you even really thought about what this will do to your youtube career? even with pre-filming your videos, being across the country is gonna be a major setback on a lot of things," i sighed, flicking my ashes onto the ground.

kian stayed silent, looking out over the balcony's edge as i continued. "what about our friendship? not to mention your friendships with all of your other friends will be affected. i'm not sure i could take being away from you so long, not being able to see you in person or spend time with you," i cried.

he came closer, grabbing my wrists and pulling me to my feet before engulfing me in a hug. he rubbed my back, whispering in my ear, "we'll make things work, liv. i'll come and visit from time to time, we can facetime and text, i'll text you twenty-four-seven. you're my best friend so i think you of all people ought to be happy for me."

"what if she's not the one for you?" i whispered against his chest, finishing the remainder of the blunt before i held the roach between my fingers.

"then i'll keep looking. i'm not sure she's my forever, but i'd at least like to find out if she is or not," he said, wiping the last tear that was flossing down my cheek with his thumb.

even though i wasn't happy about his choice, i had to be understanding of his reasoning behind it. i looked up to him, seeing him smile. "would you wanna come spend christmas with me and my family? i know you spent an early christmas with your family when izzy was in town so i was just wondering if you'd like to come with me. if you don't want to, it's not a big de-," i asking, trailing off and pausing as i noticed kian nod.

"christmas in tennessee sounds exciting," he smiled.

ooop, it just got real. lmao no it didn't. hope you enjoyed! much love ♥️

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