chapter fourteen

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"isn't it beautiful?" kian asked in awe, pulling me up onto the hood beside him. i couldn't help but get lost in the view of the of where he had brought me; his 'lookout spot'. it was simply a place where a bunch of young teens would come to make out, sort of like a place you see in older, cheesy romance movies.

"is this where you take all your dates, played?" i laughed, looking up to him. i heard him chuckle lightly under his breath. "actually, i've never taken anyone here," he admitted, looking to his feet as a blush crept upon his cheeks.

"wow, you're smooth," i joked, looking out at the view of the sun setting over the city. "i'm serious!" he said, shoving me playfully, "this is like my getaway. my secret hideout, so you better not mention to anyone where i run off to." he continued, "i remember when i first found this place. i had just got back from tour and it was officially hitting me hard that andrea and i had broken up for good."

i looked up to him as i furrowed my eyebrows, "you never told me that." he just huffed, laughing a little before he replied. "that was way before we were best friends, liv."

i sat still, awaiting for him to tell me the rest of the story. "i'd gone to her apartment that she shared with jenn at the time, and i sat her down to make sure that things were actually over. of course, we were both upset about things but we mutually agreed that it would be better if we were no longer hashtag 'kiandrea'," he laughed at the end.

i smiled as he finished, "i was hurt at the time, i won't lie. leaving their apartment, i was driving around and discovered this place. now i just come here to think about shit."

"do you miss her?" i asked, hoping my curiosity didn't start an argument or upset him. "sometimes, yeah. though in the long run, we're better off as friends. besides, i think we've both clearly moved on and everyone's happy right now."

i smiled lightly, looking towards the ground before kian lightened the moment and began tickling me. "kian! stop, i'm gonna fall," i laughed, trying to grab onto his arms to keep myself stable. "i'd never let you fall," he smirked, pulling me back onto the hood. i breathed out, looking into his eyes as i whispered, "too late."

i must've been a little louder than intended because he asked, "what did you say?" i smiled, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks as i shrugged my shoulders and looked down. "i've already fallen; for you."

he lifted my chin up towards him. causing us to look intently at one another. he began shifting his gaze between my eyes and my lips. i couldn't sense anything around the two of us in the moment. things felt as if we were the only two who existed and everything else was just blank.

he began to lean in, as did i, before i could halt him from making a mistake. our lips interlocked swiftly with ease, no force within the kiss. i felt completely blissful, as if anything were possible, and as if i had no worries. i completely forgot about everyone and everything

"alright, liv, let's get you to bed," i heard kian say as i began to open my eyes. "what?" how long did you let me sleep?" i asked, noticing he was carrying me to my front door. "you fell asleep on the ride to our last stop so i decided to just let you sleep," he smiled.

i sighed; everything was just a dream; none of it was fucking real. partially, i was mad at myself for falling asleep and missing out on the lost opportunities though i knew if things were really meant to be they'd play out.

when we reached the front door, he set me down on my feet. "thank you for today," i smiled, watching him blush and shove his hands into his pockets. i hugged him quickly, standing still and keeping our bodies close together. "everything you did for me today was much needed. i missed you, kian," i whispered into his ear as we continued to hug.

i heard him grunt slightly as he squeezed me a bit tighter, "i missed you, olivia."

just with those simple words he'd spoken, i opened my front door and waved goodbye to him as i watched him walk from my porch to his car, then pulling just a few houses down to his own.

i walked inside, locking the door behind me before shouting for adrian. "you scared me," she said while clutching her chest as she quickly appeared from the kitchen, "what is it?"

"i need my other best friend," i whined, running over to her. "what happened? did it go well?" she asked, looking over to me momentarily. "well is an understatement. i needed that, adrian. i can't explain how much my body, my heart missed being around kian. being with him made me forget anyone else existed," i gushed.

"did you guys kiss or something? you're talking like you just had the best sex of your life," she laughed. "not technically, but i could've sworn we did," i sighed, sitting up on the counter and crossing my legs.

"what do you mean by that?" she questioned, leaning against the counter opposite to me. "i had i dream on the way back and it felt so real," i smiled.

she rolled her eyes, laughing before grabbing a water from the fridge before walking to the doorframe. "calm down, psychic. hey! maybe tonight you'll dream of the next video we film!" she said sarcastically before wandering out and up the stairs to her room.

hey guys! oof, another update!! told ya i'm working on it :) okay, as always i hope you enjoyed! much love ♥️

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