18- Shattered Hearts

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Lauren's POV

"LAUREN!" Christina shouted once again. I quickly ran into the living room and there, I saw Christina sitting on the sofa and Sebastian standing up awkwardly, obviously having no idea what to do in this situation.

"Yes, Christina?" I asked as politely as I could. Sebastian turned around to face me and gave me a hopeful smile.

"Lauren, why is your boyfriend here?" Christina asked rudely. 

"I don't know. Sebastian?" I asked.

"Well, I wanted to hang out with you but I guess I should probably get going," Sebastian said as he walked out of the living room slowly. I looked right in Christina's eyes and all of a sudden I could feel my eyes starting to water. Why did Christina have to be so rude to Sebastian? Why couldn't she just be the supportive sister she once used to be?

"Why are you so mean, Christina?" 

"You know I don't like it when I see that boyfriend of yours," she replied.

"Could you at least TRY to be a little supportive for once?!" I cried out as I stormed out of the living room and went to join Sebastian who was just leaving the house.

"Hey," Sebastian mumbled.

"I'm coming with you," I said flatly.

"NO, I CAN'T BE SUPPORTIVE SO DEAL WITH IT! I HATE HOW YOU ALREADY HAVE A BOYFRIEND AT SUCH A YOUNG AGE!" I heard Christina shout from the living room. I rolled my eyes and saw that Sebastian's eyes were sparkling with tears.

"Sebastian, what's wrong? I'm so sorry my sister is like this! She's just... well, I don't know why she's like this," I said.

"Lauren... your sister hates me and I can't live with that, you know. I don't exactly want to be stared at in such a bad way by your older sister. Lauren, do you not understand how hard this is for me?" Sebastian asked.

"I do understand but forget about her!" I cried out.

"Lauren, you need to listen to your sister. If she doesn't want you having a boyfriend at this age, then maybe you should break it off with me right here, right now, or else I will. I can't be seen as this bad guy around your house all the time. That's just not how it works!"

"Are you trying to break up with me?" I asked quietly. As soon as I realized this, my heart felt as if it had just shattered into a million pieces. Although that may have sounded so cliche, it was true. My heart really did feel like that.

"I'm sorry, Lauren. I love you but until this whole 'having a boyfriend' thing is sorted out between you and your sisters, I can't be with you. I'm really sorry. I have to go now". And with that, Sebastian had walked out of my life forever. I slumped down onto the ground and held my head in my hands and just stayed there for a while. It was pretty obvious that Christina was the reason my whole relationship had been ruined. She just had to ruin everything.

"Hey, you alright there?" a familiar voice called out. I looked up and saw Kerry walking towards me.

"Oh, hi Kerry," I said as I wiped away my tears.

"What happened?" Kerry asked as she sat down beside me and started examining her perfectly manicured fingernails.

"Sebastian broke up with me," I sighed.

"Aww, are you serious? That's so sad to hear. Are you alright?" 

"Of course I'm not! Sebastian broke up with me!" I repeated. Before I could start crying again, Kerry hugged me and whispered to me that everything was going to be okay.

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