8- Now I'm Lying On The Cold Hard Ground

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Dani's POV

There was something going on with Lauren but no matter how many times I asked her what was wrong, she ignored me. What could have possibly happened? As soon as we came back home, Lauren ran to our room. I didn't dare go in there. It was too emotional to see my sisters hurt.

"Did you and Lauren get into a fight?" Amy asked.

"No, I don't know what happened".

"Hey, I just saw Lauren running to our bedroom and she was NOT looking happy. Actually, as soon as she went in the room and locked the door, I could hear her sobbing. What's happening? She was also crying just the other day," Lisa said, definitely concerned about Lauren.

"I have no idea. The last time she cried was because she got a detention because of this guy, Sebastian. I don't know why she's crying today," I replied.

"Do you think she could be depressed?" Amy blurted out.

"Amy! Don't say that! I'm sure Lauren is not depressed. She's probably just crying for no reason!" Katherine called out.

"KATHERINE! Lauren never cries for no reason! And how could you be so sure she's not depressed?" I shouted. Seriously, this was all getting a bit too much. I was the one who talked to Lauren the most. I should have known why she was crying although I didn't. Whatever the case, I needed to help her get through this.

Lauren's POV

I felt so weak, so betrayed. So Sebastian wasn't worth it. But why was I now crying over a guy? Was it because he made me fall for him and then left me all broken-hearted?

"Lauren! Honey, what's wrong?" Lisa whispered as she ran into the bedroom.

"Nothing," I lied.

"Come on, Laur. You need to tell me. I saw you crying just the other day when I was heading to my date and now you're crying again. Something must be up! And who's this Sebastian guy Dani has been telling me about?" Dani was telling Lisa about Sebastian? Sometimes I wished Dani would just keep a secret for once.

"It's nothing, really," I assured Lisa, not really telling the truth.

"Fine. Don't tell me then. I can't help you if I don't know what your problem is".

"What do you mean by 'problem'? Lisa, it's just a guy, kay? I just realized how stupid it was of me to cry. I'm going," I said, getting up and leaving the bedroom in a hurry.

"Where do you think you're going?" Christina asked with her eyebrows raised. She reminded me of my History teacher just then.

"I'm going on a walk," I said.

"Fine, don't be long".

I ran out into the chilly weather with my warm, white sweater and Aztec print leggings. I felt so grown up, just leaving the house by myself. I didn't know it was going to turn this chilly. This morning, the weather was so beautiful but now, the sky was raging just like me. Raging with anger. Anger because of a guy who liked to hurt every girls' feelings. Except, the sky wasn't raging because of a guy. Skies had other problems, none of which related to guys and relationships.

I didn't exactly mind that it was now pouring rain. It felt so wonderful to just walk in the rain with the icy cold droplets of water softly making contact with your skin.

"LAUREN! Lauren, we need to talk!" Just what I needed. A familiar guy's voice interrupting me when I was just getting used to the water hitting my skin.

"What?!" I turned around in an angry voice and faced my enemy. Sebastian. Why was he here? This whole thing felt like a movie scene. Pouring rain, thunder and a sad-looking guy who had came to apologize to a heartbroken girl. Or, as it would have been in a movie, the heartbroken ex-girlfriend. Maybe that's who I was. Just another poor, lonely ex-girlfriend.

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