13- What Did You Hear?

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 Lauren's POV

It was time to talk to Dani... about everything. I couldn't take this anymore. If Dani was actually trying to end her life, I needed to stop her. There was no reason for her to try and end her life. Didn't she know that she was perfect just the way she was?

I went downstairs to look for Dani but she wasn't in the living room, dining room, theatre, kitchen OR the study room. Where was she? I started shaking a little bit at the thought of Dani running away. I might have run away for a little while, but no one really cared. It would be more heartbreaking if Dani left us.

"L-Lisa? Do you know where Dani is?" I stammered as Lisa also walked around the house with a worried and distant look on her face.

"Huh? Oh, I don't know," Lisa said as she came back into reality and looked around at her surroundings.

"Lisa, are you okay?" I asked as I watched these strange actions from Lisa.

"No... no, I'm not okay," Lisa replied.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well... umm, James broke up with me the other day when I said he wanted to talk to me and I only just realized how bad it is now. I can't believe he broke up with me!" Lisa cried.

"Oh my god, Lisa, that's terrible! Why did he break up with you? No one dares to break up with Lisa Cimorelli!" I joked.

"We didn't even make it to 3 months. Like, how sad is that?!" Lisa exclaimed. Just as Lisa said this, Dani came rushing into the house, exhausted and puffed out. Had she gone for a run all this while?

"Dani, where have you been?" I asked.

"I went for a run," Dani replied, just as I had guessed. "What's going on? Lisa, why do you look as if you just heard that there's no more pizza left in this whole world?" 

"James broke up with me".


"Dani, why did you go for a run?" I asked, trying to get the subject to Dani.

"Well, I've got to burn this fat!" Dani joked as she patted her flat stomach.

"Dani, we need to talk. Right now," Lisa ordered as she pointed to the steps, gesturing for Dani to go up there. I was sort of glad Lisa was going to talk to Dani because I felt I wasn't ready to hear about Dani's life. I watched as Dani worriedly got up the steps, followed by Lisa. What was Dani going to tell her?

Dani's POV

Lisa and Lauren looked so serious today for some odd reason. I got even more worried and frightened when Lisa said we had to talk. What was she going to tell me? What did have to tell her?

"Okay, tell me everything. You don't usually care about your looks so why are you suddenly trying to look good all the time and why on Earth did you go for a run just then? You don't need to lose weight because you're already skinny. I don't want you to become anorexic, Dani. You need to tell me who you're hanging out with because I think they're trying to change you," Lisa started saying.

"Um... these girls called the Brooklyn Bees," I replied. 

"Brooklyn Bees? They don't sound like a good group to hang out with. Tell me more," Lisa ordered.

"I have nothing else to say! They seem like good friends to me and I can trust them. Sort of".

"You need to find new friends. Have you noticed anything strange about the girls?" Lisa asked.

"Nope," I said, lying a little bit. There were some strange things about the girls but that didn't mean they were bad friends, right?

"I don't know then, but if I were you, I'd get new friends". And with that, Lisa left the room, leaving me confused here in my own bed. Why did Lisa want me to get new friends? She didn't know the Brooklyn Bees that well and already, she didn't seem to trust them. I didn't know what to do anymore. To me, the Brooklyn Bees seemed like great friends.

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