14- All This Confusion

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Dani's POV

I was still mad at Lauren for not telling me what she had heard about me the other day but, I knew this wouldn't last long because Lauren was my sister and I could never be mad at her for too long. Begging her to tell me what she had heard the other day wasn't going to help at all either. I just had to wait and see if Lauren was going to tell me at all or then I'd just have to forget about it. 

"Dani, do you need a dress for the party?" Lauren whispered as she came over to me after getting a packet of chips from the kitchen. I didn't know why Lauren was whispering. There was no reason to whisper.

"Yeah, I really need to go shopping. And why are you whispering?" I asked.

"Shh! Remember? We're not telling anyone!" Lauren whispered back. Oh, right! I completely forgot that we had to keep the party a secret from our sisters and parents. I had nearly told Katherine about it yesterday while we were baking cookies together and then Lauren interrupted me just as I was about to say "party". Thankfully, Lauren interrupted me else, what would Katherine have thought? 

"I totally forgot about that!" I whispered this time.

"Well anyways, do you want to go shopping in half an hour? We can get you something," Lauren suggested.

"Yeah, of course! How about you?" I asked, wondering why Lauren wasn't saying anything about buying something for herself. 

"I already know what I'm wearing," Lauren replied as she munched on another chip.

"Okay, I'm getting ready!" I said happily as I got up and ran to my room. Finally, I could buy a dress for the party. But that's when I remembered that the Brooklyn Bees had asked to go shopping for dresses after school the other day and I didn't go. I totally forgot and I missed the opportunity to get to know the Bees a little better. I started hating myself for being so forgetful all the time. This was why I missed so many parties and other events; because of my terrible memory span.

Lauren's POV

I was kind of freaked out how today was the day before the party. Every girl must have already bought their outfits, whereas, Dani was still getting ready to go shopping for a dress. I was kind of mad at Dani because she always needed someone to remind her about everything. Why couldn't she just remember everything for herself? She even forgot that we were keeping this whole party thing a secret from everyone else. What if she told one of our sisters already? 

I waited downstairs for Dani so we could both go shopping together. I wanted to spend some quality time with my sister because it felt as if we were kind of drifting apart due to our school lives. She finally made it down the stairs wearing a short-sleeved black top and a red checkered skirt. 

"Let's go! We're going shopping, everyone!" I called out to let everyone know where we were going.

"Okay, be careful!" Christina replied.

I opened the door and was welcomed by a strong gush of wind. I laughed as my hair went all over the place. What a waste of straightening my hair today! I looked over at Dani and saw that her face was fully covered with her hair.

"Wow Dani, you look like a monster!" I cried out.

"Aaarrr, I'm going to eat you!" she replied. I laughed and continued walking to the shopping mall.

"Hey, do you still want to tell me what you heard about me the other day?" Dani asked me. I was hoping she wouldn't ask that because I wasn't ready to tell her just yet. But, what was I waiting for? Dani needed to know what was going on but somehow, I just couldn't bring myself to talk to her about that.

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