7- He's Not Worth Your Time

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Dani's POV

Who was that girl who was talking to Lauren in a mean way? And who was that guy who smashed that slushie on Lauren's chest? Why were they like this? This school was the worst! I thought today was going to go all perfect and everything but I guess you just never knew until you actually lived through the day. There was only one kind and caring person here and that was someone who I thought was to be avoided...Sebastian. He was pretty cool and he seemed to really like Lauren.

"Like my new shirt?" Lauren called out as she emerged from the bathroom stall wearing a blue shirt. It didn't look that bad and after all, there were only just about 5 and a half hours of school left. Ugh.

"Yeah, it's fine. Way better than that slushie-stained floral sweater," I replied.

"I'm so glad Sebastian offered me his spare shirt. He's so nice, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he is. Do you like him?" I asked cheekily.

"Hmm...I'll have to get to know him better to really see what he's like. Anyways, off to class now," Lauren said, quickly changing the subject.

My timetable said I had History in Block B8. I looked over to Lauren's timetable and apparently, she also had History but in Block A3. We went separate ways as soon as we reached the Eastern Courtyard. I felt so sorry for Lauren. I hoped she was in the same History class as Sebastian.

Lauren's POV

I really hated my life. I only pretended to be fine for Dani. I didn't want her to worry for me. Everyone was just a bully here, except for Sebastian. I was completely taken aback when Dani asked if I liked him or not. As I said to Dani earlier, I just had to get to know him better.

I wanted to walk as slow as a snail but something told me I should just get to class as soon as possible. As I reached Block A, I found room 7. Taking a deep breath, I knocked, opened the door and prepared myself for the worst. A few people laughed and started whispering but then, I found him. Sebastian. Sitting all by himself in the corner, he looked like an angel. Wait, hang on. Why was I thinking that? I blushed uncontrollably as I realized I might have actually had feelings for him. I went over and sat next to him, not knowing what to say.

Thankfully, I didn't have to say anything because as soon as I sat down, he said "Hey, Cimorelli!"

"You look amazing in my shirt. Keep it, babe," he whispered. I once again started blushing when he said "babe".

"Babe, hey?" I nudged him.

"Yeah, babe. Is that fine with you?"

"Call me whatever," I whispered back, trying to sound as if I didn't care, only it turned out wrong.

"You're beautiful," he whispered. Again, cue the blushing.

"Ah, excuse me Lauren and Sebastian. Am I interrupting your love session?" the elderly teacher called out, raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, do you mind, sir?" Sebastian spoke back in a rude way.

"Oh sir, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm listening now," I quickly said, completely appalled by Sebastian's rudeness.

"Thank you. Now students, the Black Death caused a lot of deaths across Europe..." as the teacher droned on and on about the Black Death, my mind switched back to Sebastian.

"You're thinking about me, aren't you?" Sebastian asked as he nudged me softly.

"No, who said?" I replied, trying to make it seem as if I wasn't thinking about him.

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