16- Never Felt Better

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Lauren's POV

The limo ride to the hotel was pretty nice. All the cheerleaders (all wearing such expensive looking dresses) and jocks were there. For some odd reason though, Sebastian kept looking at Kerry for most of the ride and that made me wonder. Why was he looking at her in such a way? Wasn't his girlfriend? Shouldn't have been the one he was supposed to be staring at?

Anyways, we had finally reached the rooftop of the hotel and I was pretty impressed by everything. There were waiters and waitresses everywhere and this whole party just made me seem so much older than I actually was. The problem was, I couldn't find Dani anywhere.

"Hey Sebastian, I'll be right back. I need to find my sister and check everything is okay with her," I told Sebastian even though he was too busy talking to one of his old friends. He managed to say a "yeah, sure" anyway and then I left to find my sister. Luckily, I saw the Brooklyn Bees sitting on a couch so I made my way towards them and decided to ask if they had seen Dani anywhere.

"Um, hey. Do you know where Dani is?" I asked. All the girls turned to look up at me and then started glaring at my outfit with wide eyes. What was wrong with them?

"Hello?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"She went to the bathroom and well, she wasn't looking very well," one of the girls said. What was she saying? Dani wasn't 'looking very well'? Was she just trying to scare me like Ariana tried to scare me? There was something about this girl though that made me want to go check the bathroom anyways just in case she was actually telling the truth. 

I managed to squeeze my way through some people and reached the bathroom door in no time. I opened the door slowly and saw a few girls standing outside a cubicle, laughing with each other and pointing to something that happened to be so ridiculous to them. I walked over to the cubicle to see what all the madness was about and... couldn't believe my eyes. Dani?! Why was she even curled up in the corner like that?

"Guys, go away! Don't you have anything better to do?!" I shouted at the girls. Not long after, the girls started walking out, exchanging each other weird looks.

I rushed over to Dani and immediately her eyes shot up. She was so hurt. She was so fragile.

"Dani..." I whispered.

"I hate my life!" Dani cried out.

"No, don't say that Dani!"

"You know how much it sucks. Look at me. Look at this loser! Why are you even bothering with me?" Dani cried as she pointed at herself and kicked the wall. "My life is so wrecked!"

I was too shocked to respond. I couldn't believe what was happening. I couldn't believe Ariana and the Brooklyn Bees did this to my sister. Dani used to be such a cheerful and energetic girl, but now? Her life was a misery. She was so fragile, so hurt and betrayed.

Just then, I heard a few girls enter the bathroom. I didn't want to turn around and check to see who it was because I knew very well that it was the Brooklyn Bees. I knew them so much. I knew what they were going to do. They were going to run to Dani and cry "oh, poor baby!" and then say they would 'look after' her. Well I wasn't going to let that happen!

"Oh, poor baby!" one of them cried out as they saw the condition Dani was in. What did I say before? I was so right about these girls.

"Dani, are you okay?!" the rest of the girls asked as they kneeled down uncomfortably (too bad they were wearing such tight, short dresses) next to Dani.

"It's okay Lauren. You can go enjoy your party. We'll take care of your sister for you," the main girl said.

"Oh really? Do you expect me to believe that YOU will take CARE of her after all that you have done? Dani is like this right now because of who? Because of YOU! Yes, YOU! And I bet you know that very well. Go away from here! Dani doesn't need you. Thanks for all that you have done!" I shouted as tears started welling up in my eyes.

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