2- This Is It

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Lauren's POV

"LAUREN! LAUREN, WAKE UP!" I heard someone shouting. I quickly got up and realized that I was late. I looked to my left to where my alarm clock was and it said 7:50am. Great, just great! I was already 20 minutes late and it was only the first day of school!

I frantically ran around the room, wondering what to do first. I knew I didn't have time for breakfast so I decided I would just grab a muesli bar for the car ride to school.

"Dude, brush your teeth! You smell like rats!" Lisa yelled as she pretended she was dying.

"Gosh, calm down! I'm going!" I rolled my eyes at Lisa and went into the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and started putting toothpaste on it. Not long after, Dani ran into the bathroom and shouted at me to get out so she could get changed.

"I'm brushing my teeth, young lady! And you haven't even sorted out what clothes you're going to wear!" I yelled back.

"I don't care! I don't want to be late for the first day of school!"

"Well, me neither! I woke up 20 minutes late! How do you think I feel?"

"I don't care what you feel!"

"Wow, harsh much".

Dani's POV

I was getting really mad this morning because I doubted we were going to get to school on time. First, Lauren woke up 20 minutes late and, second, I had practically NOTHING to wear. I browsed around through all my clothes once more and realized that all the clothes I had were either too weird or babyish for school. I sighed and while Lauren wasn't looking, I quickly grabbed her white button down shirt with black detailing and her green coat. Now that my outfit was sorted, I only had my hair left to do and, maybe even makeup!

"Do you think I should wear makeup, Laur?" I asked.

"Makeup? I'd say yes if you were in 10th grade or something but, you're in 8th, so no"

"Are you going to wear makeup?"


Well then I only had to do my hair and I was ready for my first day of school!

Lauren's POV

Since when did Dani start caring so much about how she looked? I sighed as I realized that going to a public school would change a lot of things. People would judge you; some might even make you feel like you're not worth it and that would make you do some pretty bad things just to get on track with your social life.

I decided that in order to stop Dani from changing into somebody she wouldn't have once thought of being, I had to get more closer to her and make her open up more. Time was flying by fast. In no time, I was going to be in a public school for the very first time.

"Guys, it's time to go. Hurry!" Christina ordered. Oh, my god! My heart started beating so fast.

"I'm so nervous!" I screamed.

"I'm scared," Dani said. As I watched her say this, her eyes started becoming red. She looked like she was about to cry.

"Aww, Dani!" I said sympathetically as I hugged my sister tightly.

Dani's POV

No way! I wasn't going to let these tears fall out. I didn't even know why I was so upset. I kept thinking about the negatives but there had to be some positives as well, right?

"I'm fine. Ok, let's go," I said as I gently wiped away the tears that had already formed.

"Let's go. Bye guys!" Lauren smiled. Why did she have to be so cheerful? She made me look like a baby. The good thing was, she didn't seem to mind that I had taken her top and coat.

I made my way to the car with my backpack on my back. I had everything prepared for the day. Some exercise books, a few textbooks and, of course, some cool, new stationery!

"Girls, I know you're not probably too enthusiastic about the idea of going to a public school, but, you still need to try your very best and get good grades! Make us all proud, young ladies!" Christina lectured as she started the engine.

"We will. We'll definitely try," Lauren replied as she smiled at me. I smiled back, knowing exactly what she was trying to tell me.

As we got closer to the school, I started fidgeting more and biting on my fingernails. Lauren was also probably nervous, although she wasn't showing it. Gosh, I envied her a lot sometimes!

"Girls...go get out there and show the world who you are!" Christina cried out as the car slowly stopped. Oh no. We were finally here. My heart was beating so fast and I was literally shaking! I didn't know what to do!

"Come, Dani!" Lauren motioned, already getting out of the car. I gulped down nervously and finally made my way out of the car. I closed the door and turned around, facing the school. Well, wasn't this just great! People roamed around EVERYWHERE, wearing amazing clothes and carrying even better backpacks than ours. I realized I should have gotten a better backpack than this pink, flowery backpack. Compared to everyone else, I looked like I belonged in elementary school.

"Lauren. What time is it?" I asked, realizing I had forgotten to wear my watch.

"It's 8:27. Only 3 more minutes". Only 3 more minutes and we'll have to separate, each of us going different directions and starting the very first class of the day. I suddenly wanted to fake sick and go back home. I could already sense that things were going to go wrong.

Lauren's POV

I absolutely hated what I saw on my watch. 8:27am? Already?

I waited around with Dani who was already seated on a bench that had been graffitied. After looking around for a while and taking in all my surroundings, I started relaxing a little. I could definitely get used to this kind of lifestyle.

Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring!

"Woooo! There goes the bell!"

"Maths, here I come! Ew, just no!"

"Come on, get out of the way!"

"Umm, hello? The bell just rang. Are you, like, deaf or something? MOVE!!" shouted this random girl. I inspected her more closely. Yup, she was definitely the type of girl I needed to avoid. Bright red lips, a very mini dress, way too high-heeled shoes, and a face completely full of makeup.

"Ok, young girl. You seem like new material. Why don't I show you around? You're in year 10, aren't you?" the girl asked as she played with her hair.

"Actually, I'm in y--" I started correcting her, only to be interrupted.

"Yeah, I don't have time for all  your nonsense. You either come with me or stay standing here like a loner. And bring that little, loser friend of yours"

"Oh whoa, girl! I think you're going way too far now! For your information, this girl who you call a little loser is my little sister and she is definitely NOT a loser! How dare you even say that about her! I think I'll find my own way, thank you very much! I don't have time for girls like you!" And with that, I stormed off, following everyone into the hall. Why wasn't this girl already expelled? But, for all I knew, she could probably have been the principal's daughter just like in one of the books I read.

"Wow, Laur, you've got some guts! You sounded just like Christina then!" Dani laughed.

"I actually can't believe I was even that brave!" I replied, wondering how on Earth I even managed to speak back to that rude girl.

By looking at all the other girls in this school, it seemed as if they were all just like that; short dresses and skirts and always applying lip gloss where ever they went! I mean, seriously, I just saw one girl applying lip gloss for the third time this day and I hadn't even been here for more than 10 minutes!

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