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It was a morning with a light breeze and the promise of sunshine when Vivian decided to try and return to her normal life. Dee, Alex and Rikky had already left for school. The only reason Tim and Kai agreed she could go was because Kave was with her and they knew that he would protect her. And then when she was at the school, she'd have Dee, Alex and Rikky to watch over her.

Tim had contacted Dee to let him know what was happening and Dee would contact them when she got there.

To make it quicker, Kave had shifted into his beautiful black coated horse form. He pranced as he waited for Vivian to mount him. Mounted, she said goodbye and Kave started to trot down the driveway. Vivian gripped Kave with her thighs and gripped his mane with her hands. It was the first time she'd ever ridden a horse, but Kave made it easy. It was as though he knew exactly where she would go and how to counteract it so that she wouldn't fall off. Once off the driveway, he diverted into a field and picked up the pace into a rolling canter. Vivian felt herself falling into awe of the beautiful creature. And they were nearly extinct? She wanted to cry.

As they neared the village, Kave slowed, his long mane moving gently in the wind. Both his tail and mane were long, as though he was a wild horse that ran free, but then, that was exactly what Kave was. Wild. Beautiful. Free.

Pulling up to a fence, Kave stopped and waited. Moving to dismount, Vivian slid slowly from Kave's back. Standing next to Kave, his back was at her head. She couldn't see over him. But that changed a moment later as Kave shifted back into his dog form that looked like a bulky, black Great Dane.

Climbing over the fence, Kave leapt over with ease and waited for her. She was glad Kave hadn't tried to jump the fence with her on him. She'd never ridden a horse before, and jumping on one would have been...

Vivian followed Kave as he seemed to know the area better than she did, it wasn't until Vivian saw the shop that she realised where about in the village she was. She should learn the streets. They may save her life one day.

Reaching the triangle of grass where a tree grew and a path was placed, something that had never before happened, happened.

Kave glanced back at her. Then a snarl ripped through the air, chilling Vivian, making a shiver of fear run down her back. Kave's neon blue eyes turned glassy. Another snarl ripped through the air as Kave's fangs flashed ivory white as he faced her. His muzzle rippled as his snarl got heavier, more threatening, more raged until it became a continuous noise. When Kave stalked forward, she backed up. Her mind screamed at her to run, but at the same time it said to not move too quickly.

She looked back at Kave's eyes and a memory hit her. All the 'Dee's' eyes had been glassy. Was Suresha controlling Kave? Was it possible for an original to use their powers on a pooka? As another snap sounded, Vivian jumped.

Then Kave leapt at her, his weight making her fall to the ground. Pain shattered through her body and head. She saw stars, then no more.

As the girl fell, the illusion shattered and the pooka froze. He'd attacked her? Anger and rage rose to batter the horror. Looking around and seeing that there were no others about, the pooka looked for a place to move the girl until she woke. Spotting an entrance behind the shop, the pooka lifted the girl, her weight nothing to him, and found a hiding spot behind the shop.

He hoped he hadn't harmed her too much. He hated hospitals, especially since he couldn't go in them with her. Even though she wouldn't feel it, the pooka nuzzled the girls forehead, asking her to wake.

Hearing a chuckle, the pooka spun. A vampyre stood in the shadows. In the shadows where the pooka stood. Stood unable to defend as the girl was on his back.

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