Can you do that?

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Frowning, Lindsey looked around the first floor of their home, but he didn't find Stevie anywhere. He then jogged up the stairs, first of all, going to the nursery to try and calm Jamie down. Lifting the boy out of the crib and cuddling the child close to his chest, Lindsey spoke softly, swaying for a moment, until Jamie was only whimpering a little.

Lindsey, with Jamie in his arms, went to his and Stevie's bedroom, not seeing her there either. His heart beat quickened, as he began to seriously worry. He then noticed the light coming from under the bathroom door. Placing Jamie on the bed and taking two pillows to put on each side of the boy, Lindsey opened the bathroom door and gasped. 

"Stevie!" He immediately rushed over to her, getting down on his knees beside her, as he lifted her head off the cold tiled floor, asking her to open her eyes repeatedly. 

She wasn't responsive. With shaky hands, Lindsey checked and found her pulse, which calmed him down only slightly. He noticed the floor was wet, but he wasn't sure what had happened; she could have taken a shower, given she was naked, stepped out, slipped... Or...

Lindsey lifted Stevie off the ground and carried her to the bedroom, laying her down, tears brimming his eyes. Reaching for the phone, he dialed a number and anxiously waited for the ambulance to arrive. There wasn't much he could do, as he lay down and pressed himself against her body, stroking her hair, begging her to come back.

Once the paramedics arrived, it all happened fast and passed in a blur. Lindsey answered questions, to which he knew the answers, but there weren't that many, explaining, he wasn't home when this happened. Whatever it was. He was overcome with fear of losing Stevie and their baby, holding onto her hand tightly, as they were on the way to the hospital. Jamie began to fuss in his arms and Lindsey cursed himself for not having the bag with all of the baby's necessities, rocking the boy, holding him with one arm, not letting go of Stevie for a second.

When they finally reached the hospital, Lindsey was asked to wait outside, after Stevie had been rushed for examination. He hated it, he hated not knowing what was going on. His patience was wearing thin as it was and Jamie did not cooperate. 

"I know, I know I'm a terrible father, but I can't help you right now." He spoke, looking down at a crying Jamie. The baby clearly needed a diaper change. 

Thankfully, a woman sat nearby, with a little girl in her arms, having noticed Lindsey was having troubles. "Here, you can take a few." She opened a bag and Lindsey hurried to take one, without a second thought. 

"Thank you so much!" He then ran to the nearest bathroom.

Returning only minutes later, now with a calm Jamie, Lindsey saw a man, presumably a doctor, coming towards him. "Hello, I'm Dr. Williams. I was told you were with the heavily pregnant woman, who was just brought in?"

"Yes! Yes, that's me." Lindsey nodded. 

"Well, we have checked her out and surprisingly she's completely okay. And she's also awake. There's a room being set up right now and once we transfer your..."


"Once we transfer your wife, you'll be allowed to see her."

Breathing out heavily, Lindsey had to sit down, thinking he was going to pass out himself. He wanted to ask what happened, of course, but he was shocked by the whole situation, so that when he opened his mouth, the doctor was already gone from his eyesight.

Soon enough, Lindsey was taken to the maternity ward and showed to Stevie's room. He took a deep breath, before opening the door and entering. He was so relieved to see her beautiful eyes open this time, as he approached her bedside, giving her a needy kiss. 

"Baby, I was so worried..." He whispered against her lips, looking her in the eyes. 

"So was I." Stevie nodded, touching the side of his face. "I heard him crying, but I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything to care for him." She swallowed the tears, fixating her eyes on Jamie.

"He's fine, he's absolutely fine, Steph." Lindsey assured, straightening up and getting a better grip on the boy. "What about you, what happened?"

"When you left the house, I changed and fed Jamie, then put him to bed. Making sure he was sleeping, I went to our bedroom and I was in need of a shower."

"Steph..." Lindsey breathed out, giving her a look. "We've talked about it."

"Yes, but I was careful. I was. And it was fine. Earlier in the morning, I felt some... like cramps sort of, but I brushed it off, because they weren't painful. However, they were getting stronger as the day progressed."

"And you didn't tell me?!"

"How was I supposed to tell you? I had no idea where you'd be at that time." Realizing that was true, Lindsey let her continue. "It began to really hurt at some point. When I was done, I got out of the shower and the next thing I know - my waters broke." Lindsey's lips parted, as his mouth formed an o shape, in disbelief of what he was hearing. Their baby wasn't due until a couple of weeks later. "It just hit me really bad that time and I became dizzy and disorientated. I grabbed onto the sink, trying to steady myself, so I could then go and reach the phone, but the pain was so awful, I just gave up and lay down on the floor. I guess, I then passed out and you found me."

After hearing that, Lindsey dipped his head and kissed Stevie again. It broke her heart to see tears roll down his cheeks. "I should have been there. I shouldn't have left you alone. I could have dealt with Carol after the baby arrived."

"Well, there was no way of knowing it was going to happen, Linds." Stevie took his hand, kissing the back of it. "It's unfortunate, but I'm fine. Everything's fi- OH!"

"What?!" Lindsey asked wide eyed. 

"A contraction." She said, once it passed. "I'm in labor, remember?" She chuckled and he frowned. 

"How is this funny?"

"It's not. I just want you to relax, Lindsey, please, for me. I know you were terrified by what happened and so was I, but we have to move past that now. Our baby is coming and I'm going to need every bit of your support. Can you do that for me?" Stevie asked, looking at him with pleading eyes. 

Lindsey nodded after a moment, giving her a kiss once more. "Our baby is coming." He echoed her words and a smile settled on both of their faces.

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