But why?

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The following two weeks were the same if not worst for Stevie. She barely got out of bed, Lindsey had to help her with absolutely everything; eating, going to the bathroom, showering... He was concerned to say the least, but he'd never before been around a pregnant woman, so maybe this was how it was supposed to be? Stevie was worried about it enough, he didn't need to add more to it.

However, what she was experiencing now was different. She felt a very dull pain in her abdomen during the night, but she brushed it off, thinking it will pass. But it didn't go away, keeping her awake until the sun had risen, if anything, the pain intensifying. Getting out of bed by herself was not an option, yelling? She didn't want to alarm Lindsey. Although... She knew something was wrong, she knew exactly what was happening.

She called Lindsey's name a few times, but he obviously didn't hear her; the door to both of their rooms shut. After a minute she called him again, louder this time and again, until he still half asleep came into her room. The pained expression on her face instantly woken him up.

"Stevie, what's wrong?"

He sounded so worried, she couldn't help the tears, letting a few roll down her cheeks as she very quietly said... "I think I'm losing my baby, Linds."

"What?! No! NO!" Lindsey shook his head, taking her hand in his. "Are you in pain?" She just nodded, sniffling. "Right. I'm going to get dressed and I'll come in to help you, then we're going to the hospital!" He said, pressing a kiss to her forehead, before rushing back to his room to put on a pair of jeans and a shirt. Returning to Stevie, he found her in the same position, silently crying. She looked at him and it broke his heart, seeing how terrified she was. "It's going to be okay."

"You can't promise me that."

"No, I can't, but I have to believe it will be okay and you do, too. Now come on, let's get you dressed up." Pulling the covers away from her body, Lindsey took her hands in his and helped her sit up, gathering the material of her nightgown and lifting it over her head, tossing it aside. He then pulled a skirt up over her legs, which was easier than pants, and helped her with putting on a plain white shirt. Bending down a little, Lindsey hugged Stevie around her middle with one arm and she slowly stood up, as they then left the house and got into Lindsey's car.

Stevie had stopped crying, staring straight ahead at the road before them. Even if she didn't realize it, she was already trying to prepare herself for the worst. She tried not to think about it, not to feel it and her hands were away from her tiny belly. Lindsey noticed and it hurt him to see her like this, but he didn't say anything, lacing his fingers through hers.

Once they arrived at the hospital, they made their way inside, Lindsey wanting to hurry, but Stevie unable to. He instantly told what was going on to the first person he saw, who clearly worked there and in no time Stevie was assigned a room. A doctor soon walked in, asking questions, of course the dreaded one was if there had been any blood, Lindsey saying that there had been a little.

He'd perform some tests, an ultrasound included, he said, but Stevie didn't care much about what he was saying anymore. She just... knew, she knew. Lindsey stayed by her side, him being the one who refused to accept it. 

Several hours later, he still didn't want to believe it. 

Having pulled up a chair by the bedside, he was clutching Stevie's hand in both of his, kissing it from time to time, reaching up to stroke her hair or say something, but she hardly responded to any of it. It took him a while, but he finally mustered up the courage, to say what he truly wanted to say to her.

"We're going to try again. I'm not leaving you, Steph. We're going to wait, I'm going to be there for you in whatever way you need me to help you heal, then we're going to try and have a baby again. It's unfortunate what happened today, but... I wanted them, I really did. And I still want it."

That finally got her listening, as she diverted her eyes, staring at him. "But why?"

"Because I love you. I've fallen in love with you, I realized it the moment I saw how heartbroken you were, when I came into your room in the morning, and the saddest look in your eyes, shattered my heart, too. You can only feel such pain for someone you love. And I love you."

She swallowed uneasily, unsure of what to say and she couldn't have been more grateful that he didn't push her. He just stood up and leaned over her, pressing his lips against hers, lingering for a moment, before pulling back and kissing her hair, as he then took his seat again and kept holding her hand.

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