It might be

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Several weeks later, Lindsey was taking Stevie to an appointment and he was very excited, since he wasn't there for the first one. He had a subtle smile crossing his lips during the whole drive and Stevie couldn't be happier. 

While sitting in the waiting room, Lindsey held Stevie's hand in his, as he was making plans already. Stevie threw in some ideas as well, when he brought up the nursery, but it was mostly him suggesting this or another. Stevie's heart swelled, she was perfectly fine with leaving it all up to him, as long as he was this excited. 

"You know, we will probably hear the heartbeat today." Stevie said. 

"Oh really?" The smile returned to Lindsey's face. "I can't come up with a way to explain to you how absolutely thrilled I am. I just can't wait when we'll have our perfect little baby in our arms. I hope they look like you."

"I do, too." Stevie joked, chuckling, when Lindsey tickled her. "Seriously, though, I hope they inherit your eyes. You've got the most beautiful eyes."

After a moment of silence, Lindsey said. "As long as they're healthy."

"That's very true." 

Only minutes later, they were asked to come in. 

Stevie was asked to lie down on the examination table, bringing Lindsey with her by the hand to stand beside her. She laced her fingers through his again once she got situated. It would have been a lie if Stevie had said she wasn't at all nervous and anxious to hear the doctor saying that everything with their baby was fine. Even if the child she lost not that long ago wasn't planned, she loved them nevertheless. It hurt when she miscarried, it still hurt her to this day. She wasn't sure she could survive that again.

A small smile on Dr. Bradford's face diminished Stevie's fears, as the room was then filled with the sound of a heartbeat as well. "Things are going great. Your baby seems just fine."

After that, Stevie changed back into her clothes and listened to what else the doctor had to say, before leaving, then going back into the waiting room, through which they were going to leave. While Lindsey was saying something, looking ahead, Stevie's eyes had instantly fixed on a woman she hoped to never see again. What were the odds...

Then Lindsey noticed her too.

"Carol?... Carol?" He called her name again, when she didn't pay attention the first time. 

"Lindsey, hi." She finally replied, suddenly looking very uncomfortable. "Stevie." She acknowledge with a small nod, while Stevie didn't. 

Lindsey stood a little puzzled. Carol was already showing. The first thought that crossed his mind of course was if this could be his baby. He wasn't entirely sure if he hoped it was or that it wasn't. 

"Congratulations." He said. 

"Yeah, same goes to you." Carol looked between the couple. 

"Are you here by yourself?" 

"I am, yes." 

"Where's the father?" 

Stevie frowned, tugging at Lindsey's hand. "I think we should go now."

"Just wait a minute." Turning his attention back to his ex. "Is the father around?"

"No." Carol replied with a sigh. 

Others started glancing at the three, but Lindsey didn't care. "How far along are you?"

"It's none of your business, Lindsey. Now go."

"Yes, Linds, let's go." Stevie tried again.

"You go. Go to the car." Handing Stevie the car keys, Lindsey said. "I'll be right there with you. Go." Gritting her teeth and clenching her small fists, Stevie went away, leaving Lindsey with Carol. "In which month are you?"

"I'm a little over four months." She said, looking away. Over four months ago they were still 'together'.

Looking around, Lindsey leaned in closer, asking quietly. "Am I the father of your baby, Carol?"


"Am I?"

"I don't know, okay? I don't! I don't know who the hell is the father of my baby. It might be yours, it might not be. Happy now?"

A nurse called Carol's name and she stood up, wanting to walk away from Lindsey, but he grabbed her by the hand. "I'll call you."

"You don't have to. I'm fine. I've been doing this for four months, I'll do this for the rest. On my own."

"If the child is mine, you won't."

"Miss?" The nurse asked again and Carol freed herself from Lindsey's grasp, walking away from him. 

"Fuck!" Lindsey cursed loudly, people staring at him, but he didn't pay attention to them, running a hand through his curls, rushing outside to Stevie. He was somewhat surprised she hadn't left already. Getting into the driver's seat, he turned to her, taking her hands, but she pulled away. "Babe, I'm sorry for how I acted back there. I just..."

"You what, Lindsey? Why do you care about the fact she's pregnant? Do you still have feelings for her?"

"No, of course not! I don't really know why I wanted to know more, but... I guess, I thought that it could be mine."

"Why do you care?" Stevie asked again, angry. "You and her are over. You and I, however, are a family! We're having a baby!"

"Steph, I know. But she said she's four months. The timing... If she's carrying my baby, I want to be a part of their life. Besides, she doesn't have a man by her side. I can only imagine how hard this has to be for her."

Stevie stared at him, sort of horrified by the things coming out of his mouth. "Just take me home."

"Baby..." Lindsey tried touching her again, but she swatted his hand away. 


Sighing heavily, he turned the engine on, pulling out of the parking lot. The drive home was a silent one. Lindsey kept glancing at Stevie, hoping she'd look back, but she never did do that, not once, ignoring him to the best of her ability.

Once they came back, Stevie quickly made her way into the house and up the stairs, Lindsey following behind her, but she was lucky enough to slam the door shut before he could reach it. 

"Steph, don't do this! I don't understand why you're so mad. Please, babe, let me in. Let's talk."

Instead of doing that, Stevie yelled through the closed door. "You're sleeping in the guest room!"

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