Am I enough

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Carrying a cup of herbal tea up the stairs and into Stevie's room, Lindsey gave her a half smile, sitting on the edge of the bed close to her. Sitting up against the headboard, Stevie took the tea from him, thanking him. She'd been having a rough time the past couple of days.

"How are you feeling?"

"Do you really need to ask me that?" She spoke weakly, closing her eyes after taking a sip. "I don't know, Linds... I don't feel like I'm ready for this."

Sighing, Lindsey just shrugged his shoulders. "I can't tell you anything, Stevie. It's you who has to go through this after all. One thing I can assure you of is that you have me. It's up to you to decide whether I'm enough."

Her eyes brimmed with tears, which wasn't unusual lately. "You're so good to me." She said softly. "Before I knew you, I thought you were an asshole."

Laughing, Lindsey said. "And I thought you were pretty full of yourself."

"I hope that's not the case anymore?"

"Of course not." He shook his head, smiling as he went around to the other side of the bed and got in, lying beside her. "Maybe you should see a doctor? Is it normal to be throwing up so much?"

"Well, I've never been pregnant before, so I'm not exactly sure, but... I've heard it could get pretty bad. I'm so tired, too. I've got commitments and I can't do anything lying in bed 24/7."

"What can I do?" 

"Could you record my vocals?"

"Uh... what else?"

Giving him a smile, thankful for his concern, Stevie finished the tea and put the cup on the nightstand, moving lower to rest her head on Lindsey's chest, as his arm wrapped around her. 

"What about a nice hot bubble bath?" He suggested. "After that, I'll give you a massage. Then we'll try to eat something."

"Yes, please." Looking up at him, puppy eyes and all. 

"Sure thing." He gave her a brief kiss, leaving her in bed while he went to the bathroom. Setting the temperature of the water just right, Lindsey poured a generous amount of shower gel for bubbles. He didn't want to go through Stevie's things so he reckoned that would work. Returning to the bedroom, he asked... "Should I look for a nightgown for you to put on after you get out?"

"Yeah, just grab the first one you find." Nodding, Stevie swung her legs over the edge of the bed carefully, sitting up, before she got on her feet and went to the bathroom. 

Joining her a minute later, Lindsey found Stevie sitting on the toilet seat. "What's wrong?"

"I was going to undress, but I don't seem to find the energy in me." She began to cry again. "I feel so useless, I can't do shit."

Kneeling in front of her, Lindsey took her hands in his, kissing them. "You're not useless, Stevie. You're body is going through a massive change. You couldn't have possibly thought this would be easy?"

"And I didn't, but..." She trailed off, hanging her head low. 

"Come on, stand up." He said, standing as well. "Arms up." He ordered, reaching for the hem of her T-shirt, pulling it over her head. He then hooked his thumbs into her skirt and eased it down her legs along with her panties, lastly reaching behind her to unhook her bra. 

"You shouldn't have to do this." Stevie pressed her naked body against Lindsey's fully clothed, putting her arms around him.

"I think, I do. Besides, I'm not even doing that much." Taking her hand, he helped her get into the tub. 

"OH, this feels so good." Stevie let out a deep breath, once she was fully in, already starting to relax a little. 

Lindsey wasn't about to leave her alone, sitting down on the tiled floor, just watching her. Am I... no, I can't be! This is nonsense. We've only just met!

The silence was soon interrupted by the ringing of the phone, Lindsey jumping to his feet to go and answer. Stevie didn't care about the caller at first, but then she heard... "Carol? Wh- why are you calling me?"

Being able to hear only one side of the conversation, Stevie couldn't understand much, but what she did gather from it was that Carol was begging Lindsey something and he kept telling her no. Did he talk to her then, like he promised? Did he tell her that whatever was between them, was over?  Stevie contemplated.

Lindsey didn't look too happy coming back to Stevie, but she didn't want to ask, didn't want to nag him. "She just doesn't give up." He said himself. "I sat down with her, trying to make her understand that nothing can happen between us beyond what already happened, but she doesn't listen. I don't know what to do." He added, scratching his three day stubble. "Why are you being so quiet?"

"What do you want me to say?" Stevie asked, shrugging. Clearly, Carol was not a threat to her, but once that woman got mentioned, Stevie wouldn't be able to control her jealousy. "It's really simple, Lindsey. Do you or do you not want to be with her?"

"I don't."

"Well, then what are you thinking about? Let her call as much as she wants, just don't talk to her and by no means give her false hope."

"I'm not doing that. She's just so immature, it's as if we're in freaking high school."

"I guess, you charmed her real good." 

"What the fuck, Stevie? I wasn't... charming her, we were having sex." 

"Seriously, Lindsey, I don't want to hear about that. I hate the thought of you and some other woman."

Taking a moment, deciding whether to ask this or not... "You want to be the only woman?"

"What?" Stevie was slightly taken aback by what she just heard. 

"I, uh... never mind." 

"No, Linds, talk to me. What did you mean by that?"

Shaking his head, he repeated not to mind him and left her, needing a moment to himself to figure out why the hell he said what he did.

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