Don't you worry

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It was Stevie's birthday a couple of weeks later. Although, she wasn't particularly happy, not at all. She was relieved to find Lindsey's car gone from the driveway, when she came downstairs. Trying to avoid him, she knew it might be hurting his feelings a little, but she was a nervous wreck if she was around him, so she didn't have much choice. 

Things with Don, well... He had called a few times, just to check on her, always in a hurry or so he said, but Stevie couldn't be a hundred percent sure whether they were still a couple or not. Honestly, she was fine either way. 

Stevie had no plans of celebrating tonight, but she also knew her friends and she was almost certain they'd come up with something to surprise her. She'd appreciate it of course, but she feared it wouldn't come across like it. She simply wasn't in the mood to party.

Having just put the kettle on, Stevie leaned against one of the kitchen counters, but the phone started ringing a moment later, so she pushed herself forward and lazily walked over to pick it up. 


"Hey, I hope I haven't woken you up."

"No, you haven't, Don."

"So, uh... I just called to wish you a happy birthday."



"I'd love to be with you, but-"

"You're touring, it's fine."


"Well, I guess, goodbye then."

"Don, no, wait."

"What's wrong?"


"I'm pregnant."

"Are you sure?"

"What kind of stupid question is that? Of course I'm sure. What I'm not sure about is... if you're the father. I'm sorry..."

"So... there's a chance it's... it's Lindsey's?"

"Yes. You were right all along, congratulations."

She heard him sigh. "It's not about that, Stevie. Just... Maybe it's better that way."

"What does that even mean?"

"Well, I don't want to be a father to anyone's baby yet. A part of me still loves you, but I'm too busy and too successful to slow down and start a family right now. I think you are too, to be honest. If you'd have told me this ten years from now, then maybe things would be different."

"I might not be able to tell you this ten years from now."


"Does he know? Have you told him already?"

"No, I haven't told Lindsey yet. I can't imagine his reaction and quite frankly I'm afraid to find out what's it going to be."


"Since you obviously have nothing else to say to me... Goodbye, Don."

"Goodbye, Stevie."

The two hung up, both realizing it was a goodbye not just for now.

Sighing, Stevie went back to making herself a cup of tea, somewhere so far away in her thoughts, that she failed to notice Lindsey standing in the doorway, holding a huge bouquet of red roses. 

"What is it that you haven't told me yet, Stevie?"

"Jesus..." She placed a hand on her chest, breathing heavily. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"What do you have to tell me?" He pushed, putting the flowers on the table, as he crossed his arms over his chest, looking at her, waiting. 

"Are those for me?" Stevie tried, but Lindsey just kept staring at her. "I'm pregnant Lindsey and it might be Don's as well as yours. I'm just a few short weeks, but the fact is I'm expecting a baby and I have no fucking clue of who the father is for sure!" Unexpected tears sprung to her eyes, as she hung her head low, thinking Lindsey would take Don's approach, instead he took a step closer to her and pulled her in his arms.

"It's okay." He said, stroking her hair.

Sniffling, Stevie lifted her head off his shoulders, looking up at him. "But it's not, Lindsey. It's fucked up."

Smiling at her, he nodded his head. "That's true, but you shouldn't be worrying about that right now. You should worry about your baby first and foremost."

"Linds..." She whispered. "Didn't you hear me? It might be-"

"Don's or mine, yes, I heard you."

"And? How do you feel about that? Coming into this we weren't supposed to be in a situation, where we'd have to wonder if we're having a baby together or not. I'm sure you don't even want it! I'm not sure that I want it!"

"You're absolutely right. I do need some time to think this through, but I think you need that as well. Like you just said it yourself, Stevie, the biggest question at the moment is whether you want to be a mother, if you're ready to be one. Whatever you decide, I want you to know, that I'll help you."

She was shocked to be hearing this. All of a sudden, Lindsey seemed so grown up and mature, while she felt like a small lost child. "You'll be there for me either way? But Lindsey... you'd be fine knowing that this baby might not even be yours?"

"But there's a fifty percent chance it is and it's too big to give this up."

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Stevie looked at him teary eyed again. "You're... Lindsey, you're happy about this, aren't you?"

"Don't you worry about me." Giving her a weak smile, he pressed a kiss to her temple, then pulled away to take the flowers. "To answer your question, yes, these are for you."

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