Jealous of her?

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Tapping her fingers against the table, Stevie sighed heavily. She was bored. Don left just yesterday and he would be gone for over a month. Lindsey wasn't around either, probably with Carol, she rolled her eyes at the thought. The two women had seen each other a couple of times during the past week and Stevie quickly decided that she didn't like Carol at all. Most likely, the feeling was mutual. 

The day was dragging. Going into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, Stevie looked through the double glass doors, which led to the backyard and a huge pool. Hm... Shrugging her shoulders, she thought, she didn't have anything better to do anyway. Taking a generous gulp of the water first, Stevie then went to her bedroom and changed into a bikini, also, tied her hair up, which wasn't something she did all that often. It wasn't a particularly warm day, so she nearly changed her mind, walking outside, but the water did look inviting. 

Once she got used to the temperature, she swam around some, eventually turning and floating on her back for a while, with her eyes closed. Needless to say, Stevie got startled, hearing...

"I had no idea you even knew how to swim." Lindsey joked. On several occasions when he asked, she always said no. 

"Jesus, Lindsey! You scared the hell out of me!" Swimming over to where she could stand on her feet, Stevie glared at him, saying. "Don't do that again."

"Sorry." He apologized, focused on everything but her eyes, he wasn't ashamed in the slightest. "Could you come over here, please?" He asked, sitting down on the edge of the pool, dipping his feet in. 

"Why?" Stevie questioned, her eyebrows creased.

"Please?" Lindsey repeated and not without a little bit of showing off her annoyance, she glided over to him. He smiled when she approached him, then reached and let her hair down. 

"Why would you do that? My hair is going to get wet now!"

"Oh my God, Stevie, would you relax?" Lindsey laughed, shaking his head at how she overreacted at almost everything. "Where you're standing now, your hair doesn't even reach the water." She knew he was right, but... She splashed him, then quickly moved away, giggling like a schoolgirl. "Oh no... You are not getting away with that!" Lindsey said, getting up on his feet to undress, before plunging into the pool head first. Thanks to all the years he spent in a swimming team, he had no trouble getting to her in a blink of an eye, coming up to surface, taking a deep breath of air. "Well, what now, Nicks?" He raised an eyebrow, backing her against the tiled wall, placing his hands by her shoulders on each side. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Stevie asked, cocking her head to one side.

"You were the one who started it." He simply replied, his eyes wandering to her heaving chest. "Nervous or excited?"

"You're shameless." She said, but did nothing to actually stop him. Lifting her arms out of the water, she wrapped them around his neck, while his immediately circled her waist. "So, are you going to finally kiss me?"

"I don't know, you might run away from me again."

"I won't."

"No?" He questioned and she shook her head. Drawing her closer to himself, her front pressed up against his, her breathing quickening. She parted her lips just barely, anticipating, but he couldn't help but tease her like she did the same to him, instead of properly kissing her, he gently bit on her lower lip, before completely backing off. 

"You can't be serious." Stevie laughed, staring at him wide eyed, while Lindsey just shrugged his shoulders. 

"Two can play at this game."

With that, he got out of the pool, gathered his clothes and went inside the house, leaving a very hot and bothered Stevie by herself.

Going back to her room, Stevie decided to take a quick, a lot colder shower than usual. So, it's a game now, she thought of what Lindsey said, alright then. Stepping out of the shower, she dried herself off with a towel and put on her red silk robe without anything else underneath. Running a brush through her hair a few times, she put it away and looked at herself in the mirror, thinking for a second, she loosened the sash a little, exposing her cleavage more.

Soft strumming of the guitar reached Stevie's ears, once she walked out, following the sound, she stopped by Lindsey's bedroom. The door was ajar, but she knocked anyway. 

"Come in." Lindsey said, still lying on the bed with his acoustic in his hands. 

"What are you playing?" Stevie asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed, lifting one leg over the other, revealing her lightly bronzed thighs. 

"Just an old song." He turned his head to look at her. "Not even sure why I started playing this one."

"I love your sound, honestly."

Lindsey half smiled, putting his guitar away, as he turned on his side, propping himself up on his elbow. "What's going on here, Stevie?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, at first, this was just like a business deal for us. Now all this teasing each other... I'm not sure where it's coming from."

Shrugging, Stevie said. "It's fun. I like to have fun. I guess, you're someone I would like to have fun with."

Looking down at her exposed thigh, he used his fingers, with the tips touching it lightly, up and down, before resting his palm fully on her leg. "So, you're saying, it would be just a sex thing?"

"I'm not saying it would be anything to begin with."

"You said, I'm someone you'd like to have fun with. Isn't that the same?" He smirked, seeing how she was fighting back a smile. "I mean, I'm totally up for it. You're my wife, after all." Laughing, he sat up, reaching for Stevie's hand, tugging at it, so she had no other choice but to scoot over to the headboard with him. 

"And what about precious Carol?" 

"Do I hear some jealousy in your voice?" Thoroughly amused, Lindsey asked.   

"Me? I'm jealous of her?" Stevie's voice went higher as she spoke. "Not even a little bit."

"Mhm, sure, whatever you say." Lindsey shrugged it off, actually enjoying having her so close, as they sat beside each other, his arm around her. With his free hand, he brought it up to her face, gently gripping her chin, he made her face him. If something interrupts us this time... Stevie said to herself, as they drifted closer.

Sure enough, they then heard the doorbell ring.

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