That's what's wrong

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A few days later, Lindsey was on his way to the hospital to visit Carol and her baby boy. Carol was healing quickly and the baby was getting stronger. They were also waiting for the paternity test results, however, Lindsey didn't really need them. He just knew. Although, he hadn't expressed his thoughts to Carol, he was going to wait until they knew for sure. She wasn't as oblivious as he thought though. She saw a change in his behavior, it seemed to her like coming to visit was the last thing Lindsey wanted to do.

Once he got to the hospital, Lindsey went to Carol's room and knocked softly on the door, before entering. He found her slowly walking around with the help from a nurse. 

"Lindsey, hi." Carol greeted him with a smile.

"I see you're getting better." 

"Well, I'm not sure, since I don't really feel better. However, I do want to go home already."

"I'll leave you two to it." The nurse excused herself after helping Carol sit down on the bed.

Taking a seat as well, Lindsey cleared his throat before speaking. "So, have you thought more about the name?"

"I, uh..." Shrugging. "Not really."

"You're waiting for the results, aren't you? If he's mine, you want us to name him together."

She swallowed uneasily, nodding her head. "I think it's only fair." After a moment in silence, Carol asked. "What's wrong, Lindsey? Something's changed since the baby was born. Or did something happen at home?"

"No, everything's fine back home."

"Then what is it? Tell me."

Sighing, Lindsey opened his mouth to speak, but they were interrupted by the doctor coming in. "We have the results."

"This is what's wrong, Carol." Lindsey said anyway. "I know I'm not the father."

The doctor only confirmed it. "You certainly are not." With a little bit more explaining, the doctor then left them alone once again.

"After he was born and I came home, I told Steph right away. I just didn't feel anything, looking at him. You should have told me if you knew, Carol... Stevie almost left me. I thought she was going to serve me with divorce papers."

"I didn't know for sure." She shook her head, fidgeting with her hospital gown.

"But you had a feeling?" Lindsey was becoming louder and he knew, but he was angry. "It was convenient for you, wasn't it? I offered myself to be a father to your child and you thought you got lucky?"

"Well, no, that's not exactly how it went. Remember, I told you, I don't need you, but you chose to stay and help me out. You offered me support, you drove me to checkups, you helped me around the apartment and most of all of you helped me financially."

"That's what I'm saying, it was convenient for you. Was there any part of you that thought I could be the baby's father?"

"I don't know, Lindsey. I told you."

Shaking his head, he then ran a hand through his hair, gritting his teeth. "While I spent time with you, my pregnant wife was home alone."

"That was your choice! I said, we should wait until the baby arrives and then do the test, and be sure."

"And when I disagreed, you didn't exactly push me away."

"Well, what was I supposed to do? I... yes, okay, it was convenient for me to have you by my side, but I didn't make you do anything you didn't want to do. I didn't know, but I hoped the boy was yours, Lindsey, because I knew he would have had a wonderful childhood, he would have had a wonderful life ahead of him. Now... I don't know how I'll take care of him. You know that when I got heavily pregnant, I got fired. I'm jobless and I have no idea how I will pay the bills and provide for my child, once I've spent my savings. I didn't push you away, only because I was thinking about him."

Lindsey couldn't get mad at that if he wanted to, but nevertheless, he felt used. She could have been honest with him from the start. Lord knows, he had enough money to support her and the boy if she truly needed his help. 

"I understand that you want what's best for your son, but Carol, again... because of this mess, Stevie nearly walked out on me."

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I would have never searched for you and tried to convince you the baby was yours if we hadn't accidentally met at the clinic."

During the past few months, Lindsey did get attached to the boy, he couldn't deny that... "You have no clue, who the father is, do you?" He asked, now a lot calmer. Seeing Carol shake her head, he let out a heavy breath. "While I don't agree with what you've done, obviously, the boy is innocent. I... I want the best for him, just like you do. So, whenever you need something, you call me. I'm not going to be a constant presence, but if you struggle to make ends meet, then I'll help."

Her eyes brimmed with tears, as she thanked him repeatedly. He didn't have to do a thing, yet he was a good enough person to do it anyway. 

"I think I'll be going home now. My wife needs me."

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