You say that now...

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Five weeks had already passed and Stevie hadn't yet come back. Lindsey called her nearly every day, but their conversations were short and mostly awkward. Although, Stevie reassured him that she hadn't changed her mind and she will return. 

"You tell me that every single time!" Lindsey didn't want to yell, but he was losing his patience. 

"Then stop asking me if you already know the answer to the question." Stevie replied calmly on the other end of the line. "This is good for me and for the baby. My Mom is taking good care of me and my stress level is very low here. I..." She paused for a moment. "Lindsey, I was thinking about staying until the baby is born."

"What?! Are you kidding me right now? You said, you were leaving for a little while, now you want to stay there until our baby is born and you won't even let me visit? No, Stevie, that's... absolutely not."

"Why is it that only when I'm away you want to get me back, Lindsey? When I'm right beside you, you couldn't care less!"

"That's not true, you wouldn't let me get close."

"And you know why. You just can't get it through your thick skull."

He was going to shout, but he took a few deep breaths instead. "Let me come see you. I miss you."

If she was honest, Stevie missed him, too. Immensely. She also understood that it was unfair to keep him away from their baby. The pregnancy was changing her body everyday and he was missing all of it. Their baby was growing, becoming more active with each day and Lindsey was not there to see it.

"Okay." She gave in at last. "You can spend a couple of days here."

"Alright. I'll get on the first flight to Phoenix, Steph. I love you."

She didn't reply, as she hung up.

Late in the evening on the same day, there was a knock on the door of Stevie's parents' home. She wasn't quick enough to be the one to open it, as she heard her mother's voice, welcoming Lindsey inside. 

"It's certainly been a while." Barbara said, taking a good look at Lindsey, before she hugged him. He looked tired and sad to her. She had a feeling that her daughter's impromptu visit had a good reason, but Stevie didn't say anything, so Barbara didn't ask, simply enjoying having her child home.

Then Lindsey's eyes fell on Stevie, standing in the back, saying nothing. She was already in bed, when Lindsey came, which was why she came down wearing a robe, the sash barely tied together, her hair loose and face bare of any makeup.

"You are so beautiful." Lindsey said, taking unsure steps towards her. "I've missed you so much." Hoping she wasn't going to push him away, he enveloped her in his arms, pressing his lips against her forehead. His hand then traveled lower in between them, resting on her rather prominent bump. "Hey there." He smiled and so did she, placing her hand over his. "You haven't told your parents anything?" Lindsey then asked, still surprised.

"No, they don't need to worry about it. It's between us." Stevie shook her head replying, as she turned to head back up the stairs, Lindsey following behind her. 

"Thank you, for letting me come here." Lindsey said, closing the door to Stevie's room. He put down his bag, taking a seat and Stevie sat down next to him. "Is there a decent hotel somewhere around here?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, I need a place to stay." 

"Linds..." Stevie faced him, slightly taken aback. "You don't have to go, you can stay here."

"Are you sure about that? I wouldn't-"

"I'm sure about that." She nodded, standing up again to take off her robe, wearing only her nightgown now, before getting in bed and under the covers. 

Lindsey then knelt down, searching through his bag for clean clothes. "I need to take a shower. I'll be right back." 

Left alone again, Stevie desperately fought against crying. She missed him, she wanted him, but he hurt her. And the worst part is that he didn't see it that way. But maybe she could somehow look past it? The moment she saw him, she wanted to jump into his arms, tell him how much she loved him and that she was sorry for leaving. She shouldn't have to be sorry though, but he should however. A part of her wanted to forget everything about Lindsey spending more time taking care of his ex than his wife and just go home with him, but the other, told her no. He couldn't have it that easy. He couldn't do whatever he wanted, what he felt was right, which it wasn't and then have her apologize for it.

Stevie was brought back from her thoughts, when Lindsey reentered her bedroom, freshly showered, wearing a plain white t-shirt and pajama bottoms, her curls every which way, his beard severely overgrown. She couldn't help but chuckle, which made Lindsey smile.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing." Stevie shook her head slightly, a smile remaining on her face. "Come here, you must be tired." 

Joining her in bed, which was a lot smaller than the one in their home, Lindsey was lying right next to Stevie and he wasn't exactly sure what to do. If he just lay beside her, it would get awkward and uncomfortable, but while he was making up his mind, Stevie turned on her side and rested her head on his chest, his arm instantly wrapping itself around her. 

"I don't like it." He then said.

"What? You want me to move?" Stevie asked, tilting her chin to look up.

"No, that's not what I meant. Before leaving, you told me that once you're gone, I'll realize it could become my reality and it's up to me to decide whether I like it or not. So, no, I don't like it at all." Mindlessly stroking her hair, Lindsey asked. "I want you to come home, baby. Please..." His voice cracked a little and it broke her heart. 

"I want to, but I can't have things being the same way. Lindsey, I'm going to be seven months pregnant soon and it's not easy. I need your help, but if you're not willing to help me, then I'll stay here."

"I will, I'll help you with anything you need. I'll be there for you, I swear. I'm sorry I wasn't supportive to you at all."

"You say that now..." She sighed. 

"I mean it."

"What about Carol? She's about to give birth."

"I know and I'll only go to her if she truly needs me."

"You have also promised me that before."

"Yes and I didn't stay true to my word, I'm sorry. I really am. I mean... I can keep on telling you things you want to hear, but you will only believe me when you see it. That's why I'm begging you to come home with me and I swear to you, things will be different."

She had a lot of thoughts running through her mind and she so desperately wanted to believe him. However... "Let's sleep on it, okay? Right now I'm glad that you're here and I don't want either of us to get so worked up that you have to leave."

It's not a no, Lindsey thought to himself, as he nodded and kissed her lips. "Okay. I love you."

"I love you, too." She said with a small smile on her face, before closing her eyes, as Lindsey reached to turn off the bedside lamp. 

In few short minutes, Stevie had already fallen asleep, while Lindsey was still wide awake, just happy to be holding her again. No, he didn't enjoy being without her at all.

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