Part 17

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I sat up in my bed thinking about Jimmie. I was really starting to like him. We had so much in common. Maybe I should go ahead and tell him why I'm really here .

"Um Ashley ?"
I looked up and it was Mrs. Johnson standing in the doorway .

"Yes maim?"

"You have a phone call . "

"YESSSSS!! Is it my mother ? "

"I think so." She replied with a big smile on her face.

I jumped out the bed and ran towards the phone.

Breathing hard from running so fast "Hello?"

"Hey baby guess what?"

I made this face as if she was standing in front of me and could see me .

"My bad mom what is it?"

"I have good newssssss!!!!"

A chill sent through my body as I prepared for what she was about to say .

"In two more years I will be eligible for parole. "

......I got excited for nothing!
"Mama I thought you were about to tell me you were getting out !!"

"But I thought you would be excited for me ."

"I am... it's just in 2 more years i will be 18 years old mama. When you're 18 you can't live in foster care here. The rules are different . That means I'm gonna have to get out and find a job and a place to stay!!! I'm gonna be homeless and sleeping outside . "

I was snapping .

I was talking nonsense because I was so frustrated . 2 years was a long time when you don't actually know if you're getting out or not.

"But they said if I continue good behavior I can get out before earlier ?" I could tell she was trying to make me feel better but it wasn't workin .

"You gotta keep the faith Ash .. I told you the day they took me into custody I was coming back for you didn't I?"

"Well , yea , you did !!" I said , rolling my eyes .

"Well believe in me!!"
"I'll try mama !!"

"Ok I gotta go , I'll call you back some other time ok ?"


"Ok baby!?"

"Mama , I'm not a baby anymore !"

"You're my baby! Now bye, I'll talk to you later !"

"Bye mama!"

Before I could get off of the phone, Miss Johnson approached me .
"Hey Ashley , I would like for you to meet Mr. and Mrs Willis.

I stood there staring at them lost for words.
She was dressed So nicely and smelled so good, and so was he .

"Are you ok?"
I shook my head , shaking out of the daze that I was in .
"Umm humm."

"Hey Ashley, how are you? I've heard so much about you."

I'm standing there like , so you've heard I cut my wrists , tried to kill myself twice , my mama in jail for killing my daddy , my aunts boyfriend raped me then killed himself ?

I just stood there and nodded saying "umm humm."

"Can she talk ?" He asked .
"Yes she can, it's just, she's been in here since she was 10 years old . She's just overwhelmed ."

I turned around and saw Jimmie standing over by his bunk with tears falling down his face ............................

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