Chapter 8

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"This is ridiculous, this dam house is a mess. I don't even see how someone can live here!"
The officers made their way to the room Ashley slept in. "Guys, I think this is where she was raped, " said the officer, pointing at the little blood drops on the bed. "It looks like the sheets have been washed but you can tell she was still bleeding because there's blood still on the bed"
"Call CSI to come down and check this one out"

I went to church a lot when I was younger so I was a strong believer in God. But I was starting to question my beliefs. Why would he let this happen to me? What have I ever done to anybody? I never wished any bad luck on anybody but I wish Mark would just drop dead . God forgive me.

Sad to say ,staying in the hospital was more comfortable than staying at Linda's . I couldn't get the thought out of Mark on top of me out of my head .
The door opens, "Hey Ashley, how are you doin today?" It was officer Donlap.
"Better than ever"
"I know you might not feel like talking but I still have to catch the guy who did this to you .So describe Mark to me. How does he look? How tall is he? Is he black, white, Hispanic!?" was like the cat had my tongue. I wanted to talk but I could hear Marks voice in my head "I will kill you !"
"Ashley please.!"
......"ok.....he's black , well medium brown, and he's about your height (6ft) and he has braids to the back and he always wears this hat on his head with a P on it."
"Ok , has your aunt Linda ever took you to his house or do you happen to kno where he lives?"

I knew exactly where he lived but I was so scared to say anything else .

"Ashley?" Asked officer Donald as he grabbed my hand,"I promise you, if you tell me where he lives I will lock his ass up TODAY !"

...."he....he lives over by the store on the corner."
"What store?"
"Seven eleven"
"How does the house look?"
"It's ragedy and there's 2 pit bulls in the front yard and there's always guys standing outside ."
"228 can I get somebody over this mother fuckers house!? On the corner behind seven eleven ?" "10 4"

The police pull up to to Marks house . "You sure this the right house!? Didn't she say there would be guys standing out here!? "
" This has to be the right house , there's the 2 pit bulls right there."

"Let's get this mother fucker!"
(Knock knock knock knock ) answer
"Kick the bitch in"
The police run in their guns up .
"Mark Rodgers? They called.
No answer....
"Come out with your hands behind your head. "
Checks kitchen...
Checks bathroom

"I found him"
"The mother fucker took the easy way out"

Officer Donlap walks in the room to find Mark laying on the floor in a pool of blood with a 38 in his hand .
Shaking his head officer Donlap walks over to the night stand and there laid a letter.
It read " whoever finds this letter please tell the little girl that I'm sorry for what I did to her . God will never forgive me for what I did or what I'm about to do. I didn't kno what I was doin the night it happened. I was high off PCP . I couldn't live with what I did so I'm going to make it right ,

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