Chapter 15

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...... " no, wait , there has to be a mistake."

"No, how come nobody told you.?"
" I guess they thought since I jumped on her in the cafeteria , we were enemies."

All of a sudden "Jennifer Jackson can you come with us maim?"

2 guards scooo her up and put her in handcuffs.
"What in the hell is wrong with you guys?"

The lady walked away and said "Good luck !"
"Good luck? What the hell is that sposed to mean? "

They took her to the confessional room and handcuffed her to the table.

"Is all of this necessary ? "

The guard just walked out of the room.

             -25 minutes later-
A detective walks in with a Manila folder and a binder.
"Ohh SHIT!" Jennifer said to herself.

He opens the folder and there laid a picture of Linda.

"Do you kno this woman? "

She looked at the guard under eyed "Well duh, she was my sister."

"Well she died 3 days ago ."

"Ok? What does that have to do with me?"

"U don't seem so sad for someone that close to you to lose their life."

"We weren't close!!" Lookin side eyed.

"Would you mind telling me why?"

"Well.. she let her bitch ass boyfriend rape my daughter."

"Ok that gives you a motive to kill her ."

"Aye now, don't pin this shit on me! I couldn't stand the BITCH but I didn't kill her!"

"Well we questioned some of the inmates and they told us the two of you had a fight in the cafeteria a couple of months ago , and they over heard you tell her you was going to (I quote) KILL HER. You mind telling me why?"

"Seir, are you not listening? She LET HEE BOYFRIEND RAPE MY DAUGHTER!!!!!! People say stuff when they're mad and I was beyond it ."

"Miss Jackson, Linda was found in her cell dead from poisoning we think. "
"I don't mean to be rude but where do I get poison from?"

"I don't kno , you tell me."
"Look seir, I have a daughter that's growing up without a mother or father . Do you honestly thing I would jeopardize getting out of here to kill somebody ?"
"That's not my problem, YOU chose to kill your husband. Not me!!!"

Jennifer rolled her eyes.

The room got quiet as he flipped through the papers in the folder.

"Can I go now!??"

"Yes , you can go ! But don't think you're off the hook! You're still under investigation."

A guard came in and uncuffed her.
Thinking out loud "I can't believe these mother FUCKas gone try to pin her murder on me. I should have never said nothing about killin ha ass! It's bad enough I'm in jail for murder to begin with."

This is bullshit........

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