Chapter 14

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...Jennifer charged towards Linda!
Linda sat there looking guilty knowing what she had done .

"Wam, wam wam !"
The punches sounded off as she stuck her in the face .
You..dirty..bitch " she screamed, as she paused within every punch!

The cafeteria went wild!!
Guards were coming in from left to right.

"U bout one tryflin ass hoe! How you gone sit there and let a mother fucka rape yo niece? Then you gone have the nerve to lie and tell me you were in here for drugs!!" Jennifer screamed, as the guards pulled her off Linda!

"I'm sorry Jenn....." said Linda , getting up off the floor with a bloody nose, a busted lip and a black eye.

"Naw, FUCK you, you can keep that fake ass apology!! Stay the hell away from me!! You on your own in here! Don't look at me , don't speak to me, don't say shit to me!! Cause I will NEVER, as long as I have breath in my body, forgive you for what you've done!! "" "BITCH you betta sleep with one eye open!"

The guards carried them both to solitary confinement .

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Jennifer screamed, as she walked to lockup with her fists balled up!!

To make matters worse, the cells were right next to each other!!

"Linda BITCH I kno you hear me! Imma kill yo mother fuckin ass!! Yea, since ya kids always killin bout I'm crazy, imma show yo ass crazy! You don't mess with my baby!! And for you to sit up and let that bullshit go down, you're a disgrace to the family! You been a disgrace since you started selling ya dam body at 15! You nasty piece of trash! I hate to even admit that you're my dam sister. "

Linda sat in the next cell quiet as a mouse thinking about what she had done. It was eating her up inside. I guess it didn't hit her until she was sober enough to even remember what happened.

I hadn't talked to my mother in months. I was so afraid of what she had done to Linda . I should have just kept my mouth shut.

- Mothers Day-

Mothers days was always a difficult day for me. The year before , on Mother's Day, I went to visit my fathers grave. Yea, I kno, sounds kinda weird. But if you've went through anything I'd went through, you'd understand .

"Ashley, you have a call"

I was so relieved . As I took a deep breath and walked to the phone I prayed it was my mother !

"Hey !"
"Mom!?" She sounded so different now.
"Yes hunny?"
"Happy Mother's Day."
She started to sob . I hate when she cries.
"Thank you sweetie!" Crying uncontrollably .

"Why haven't I heard from you ?"

"I was in lockdown."
"Because I beat the shit outta Linda."
I knew that was a bad thing but I chucked a little. Good for her.
" where is she?"
"I haven't seen her since they let me out of lockdown."
"Maybe she got out?"
"Maybe she did!"

3 days had passed.
Jennifer headed down the hallway to make a phone call when she was stopped by one of her former cell mates.

Hey Jennifer?? was that girl that passed away a YOUR sister !?"

Jennifer looked at her in confusion.

"What girl?"
"The lady, Linda!?"

"Passed away!? What do you mean passed away!? What happened to her?"

"I don't know, they just said they found her in her cell on the floor dead.!!"

"What the hell..............

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