This is who we are

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It seem like Killo was driving extremely slow.
"Come on man, speed up!" I said anxiously.
"I'm speeding man!"


We finally made it, I just walked in since I have a key.
"Damn El, you only was suppose to spike his drink and call us when he's completely fucked up."
Even though El killed Meek, I never thought of her as an actual killer. I assumed it would be easier to use her sex appeal and then leave the rest to Killo and I. Now El's body count is two people which is insane coming from an average girl. She's a beautiful woman but never would think she has killed someone.
El was just chillin' on the couch like there isn't a whole dead body on the floor. She showed zero signs of distressed just...unbothered.
"I tried to offer him a drink but he said no, so I had to think of another plan."
" long as it's done."
I can tell she loathed him. Not only did she slit his throat and stab him in the stomach, she shoved a knife down his throat. He was guaranteed to die from his first wound but the knife shoved down his throat was profound.
I signal for Killo and some of my other workers to come get the body.
"Where is his phone and keys?" I said to El.
She reached in her pocket and hands them to me.
"Aye Killo make sure the phone gets back to the trap so we can see their plans."
Killo nods and goes out the door.
So far I have Wiz, Meek and Leo's phone and they're all dead. I finally felt ahead of the plan.


I don't regret killing Meek or Wiz but the thought of this being an on going lifestyle was getting overwhelming. I didn't think I was going to crack but what the hell am I doing?
I start to cry. I was done worrying about who's going to be after my family. I didn't just kill one person, I killed two. I was growing more confused by the day. What if I'm a killer?
"When is this going to be over?"
"I just got his ph-"
"I'm talking about you being in the streets, this shit is getting out of hand. Our fuckin' daughter could've been killed!" I yelled at him out of frustration. Killo enters back in then quickly leaves when he realizes the intensity in the room.
Carti had nothing to say. He just sat in silence...


To be honest I didn't know when I was going to stop. The streets is all I know.
I really don't want Nova to be in the mix of things, but I'm smart when it comes to my business. I've always been on my P's and Q's and I can confidently stand by that.
I wish El had more faith in me and actually believe me when I say I got this. I know shit gets crazy but I know what exactly what I got myself into.
"I gotta go before it's too late, kiss Nova for me please"
She continues to cry as I kiss her forehead. I hope that it would calm her down.
I need her to get where I'm coming from because I know in my heart....
I wasn't about to change for anything. I've always been the streets.

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