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I woke up at 7:15 this morning to Nova kicking her little feet under the covers. El was right. Nova is pretty consistent with her schedule. She has her own crib but I let her sleep with me since Lina was out of town.
"Nova?" She looks at me as I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes.

"You not gonna let daddy sleep for five more minutes are you?"
She smiles and starts kicking her feet again. I guess that means no.
"Alright, babygirl lets get ready for today."

After a breakfast and a morning nap, I got her dressed for the day

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After a breakfast and a morning nap, I got her dressed for the day. I was much warmer than yesterday so I decided to take Nova out for a little stroll.


As I was walking Nova, I can see some of my younger dope boys selling on the corner. They usually sell most of our products downtown due to it being a popular location.
All of them knew not to bother me while I was with my daughter so I passed by them as if I didn't know any of them. When I was with her I didn't want to be bothered about trap house problems so I leave Killo in charge. I know Nova is only one and she doesn't understand but Im already adamant on what she see's, and who she may be around.

I stop by a small corner store to get Nova's snack from her bag. I suddenly saw Killo hastily walking towards me with an upsetting look on his face. This shit can't be good.
"Wtf, Killo? I told you I'm not dealing with this shit right now."
"I know but some serious shit about to go down, Bro. You know I wouldn't bother you over some bullshit."
I look down at Nova who was looking back up at me. I groan from the annoyance.
"....What man?" I said to him.
"Them niggas from Barbados just made it to Atlanta and they said they coming for us tonight."

I felt myself growing  more agitated after hearing that bullshit! My bitch ass father need to let shit go. His whole "plan" to knock me off has been stupid up till this point. I shouldn't be hearing about a nigga coming to see me tonight like we got a date or some shit. It just feels stupid that I even gotta attend to this.
I really have to cut my time with Nova because my father won't let up. He's been getting out of control with these damn threats and it was starting to get under my skin.

"Ight, I'ma drop Nova off then head to the trap. Just gimme a minute."
"I'ma let everybody know what's going on so we can be prepared." Killo says.
For the most part, my gang is strapped 24/7 but I wasn't expecting this to happen this fast, let alone, TODAY. All I know is El gonna give me hell when I drop Nova off. I only had her one night, but I gotta set this bitch ass nigga straight.


"What the hell?" I said to Carti as he hands me Nova and her bag. He didn't say shit about bringing her back this early. Don't get me wrong, I do be missing her but I enjoy time to myself.

"Carti you literally had her for one night!"
He rolls his eyes then starts mugging me. I ignore his negative attitude and let him have it.
"This is why I said we need better communication! You bringing her back after ONE night then you're going to expect me to be sooo giving the next time you ask. No! I'm just sick of doing that!"
He continues to act annoyed so I continue going off.

"I bet you're handing her off because some dumb ass street shit came up, huh?"
"Obviously " he nonchalantly says. His attitude is just pissing me off even more.
"So other shit is more important than your own daughter? You ask for time but be quick to drop her off. See I knew I should've did this parenting shit by my damn self!"
I said as I place Nova on her play mat.

Next thing I know Carti grabs my arm hard as fuck, he look like he was pissed.
"What the fu-"
"My fucking father is in Atlanta trying to kill me, and you fucking bitching because you got her back! I don't know if I'm going to make it back home to Nova! I warned you about this so stop acting like a fucking bitch!"

He let go of my arm and push me back a little.
Nova instantly starts crying and Carti just slams my front door and dip.

I was left hurt but I have to collect myself so that I can comfort Nova. I was scared for so many reasons.

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