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    "Excuse me?" I asked my dad and Liz. Luke and i were being sat down by Liz and Dad to have a talk. It has been a month since I last cut myself and Michael found me and cleaned me up. Liz and Luke had come over for dinner at least every weekend. Luke and I had become best friends and it has gotten less awkward between all of us at dinner. My dad and Liz go out on dates when they are "working late." Usually Luke and I just watch a movie with the other boys at one of our houses. I go to their band practices and i feel like one of the 5SOS family now. Ashton and I are just friends and its fun. Calum is just an adorable dude who cracks me up. And Michael... We are pretty much inseperable. Its been amazing. But right now i am thinking about what Dad and Liz had just told Luke and me. Luke and i looked at eachother in disbelief.

     "We said we are getting married! You and Luke will finally be siblings and we will be a big happy family!" My dad and Liz hugged. Luke stood up and walked out the front door. I followed him.

     "Great. Just damn it." Luke and i were sitting on the swings at the park. Neither of us were over the fact that my mom and his dad weer both dead and that our parents had gotten over them so quickly.

     "Why did this have to be so soon?" I looked over at Luke and saw he was crying. I stood up from my swing and gave him a hug.

     "Oh Luke... I'm sorry you still miss your dad. I miss my mom too. And even though this whole wedding and shit will be somthing like hell, we got eachother. We are best friends after all." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

      "Yeah. Your right Ally. Thanks sis." I smiled. I had always wanted a sibling. But there was a sting in my heart towards my dad. I knew Luke had it towards his mom.

     "Hey guys what with the hug fest?" Ashton, Calum, and Michael walked up to us. Luke and I told them what was happening. Michael pulled me into his arms and Ash and Luke patted Luke on the back.  They all knew that neither of us were over the deaths of our parents. 

     "Hello?" Luke answered his phone. "Ally and I went to the park. 'Cause we felt like it mom. Okay. Alright. No. Yeah we will come home. Alright Mom. Yeah. Okay. Alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Bye. Come on Ally we gotta get home they want to talk to us still."

    "Shit." I muttered. I pulled away from Michael and went with Luke.

     "We will all do something for dinner guys!" Luke called over his shoulder to the boys. It was funny. Luke and I were already like brother and sister. It was weird we would have to live together though. Would he eventually annoy the shit out of me? Will he bother Michael and me? What will Liz be like? She is nice but kinda pushy. Like my dad. Luke and I hurried up the front steps and walked into the living room.

     "DEAR GOD MOM!!!" Luke yelled.

    "WHAT THE HELL DAD!!" I screemed. We had just walked in on a makeout session between our parents. Luke leaned his head against the wall and i laid mine in my hands.

     "Sorry guys!" My dad and Liz laughed like it was no big deal. Well it IS  big deal. Luke and I stood together in the door way.

     "Come in guys sit down!" Said Liz like she friggen owned the place. 

     "On that couch? Yeah i dont know what else has happened on there with you guys around." Luke and I snickered at Luke's joke. Liz and Dad did NOT look amused.

     "So kids," Liz started," we have decided that the wedding date will be a month from now. Thats August 15th. Ally, I want you to be my maid of honor." Liz stood up and took my hands in hers and smiled. Luke and i exchanged a look.

We Are Family|/-\|. (Michael Clifford Fan-fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now