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     I slammed the passenger side door and glared at my Dad. I was still mad at him for dragging me to Australia, only to leave me alone the first weekend I’m home.

     “Have a great weekend, Ally.” He called after me as I stepped out of the car and began walking towards the school with other students. I was wearing black skinny jeans and a purple shirt with light blue converse. My hair was straightened and my make-up was simple but nice. I pushed open the school doors and tried not to get overwhelmed. I look down at the sheet of paper I was holding with my locker number on it. I then looked up and saw Melissa talking to some other girls. “Hey Melissa!” I called starting to walk towards her so I could ask about a ride. But then I bumped into this girl. “Watch it looser!” She yelled as she pushed me! PUSHED ME?! I shoved her right back.

     “What is going on here?!”A voice yelled. I cringed and turned around to see Principle Brown.

     “She pushed me first!” this girl yelled bringing tears to her eyes. I opened my mouth to speak but this Principle cut me off.

     “Detention after classes Ms. Brighten.” He said sternly, striding past us. The girl laughed at me and skipped off. I looked at my shoes, trying not to cry.

     “You O.K.?” A voice behind me asked. It was smooth and a sweet voice. I turned around to see a tan boy with brown curly hair with a smooth Australian accent.

     “Oh… um yeah I’m fine.” He smiled and nodded.

     “I’m Ashton Irwin.” He smiled again.

     “I’m Ally.” I responded blushing and grinning. He winked and walked past me. He was joined by three other boys I only saw from the back. One had platinum blonde, punk hair. Four boys… Didn’t Melissa tell me something about four boys? I shrugged and the bell rang. I ran to my first class.

     I sat in my seat to see Ashton sitting across from me. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I blushed and looked towards the board and began to take my class notes.

     Far too soon, it was time for detention. I dragged my feet while walking towards the detention room. I slid into my seat and pulled out some homework I needed to get done.

     “Hey.” The boy with the platinum hair plopped into the chair next to mine.

     “Um hi.” I answered. Who was this boy? He put his feet up on the desk across the aisle. Why did he have to sit right next to me? All the other seats were open and the teacher wasn’t in the room yet.

     “I’m Michael.” He said, winking. “And you are?”

     “I’m Ally.” I answered looking down at my homework.

     “What would someone as pretty as you be doing here in detention with someone like me?” His Aussie accent was cute and deep. I told him the story and he knit his eyebrows together.

     “Oh god. Sorry. I hate that girl.” He said when I was done.

     “What about you, Michael? Why are you here?” It was his turn.

     “I fell asleep in class again.” He chuckled as if it was a joke.

     “Well I don’t find detention that funny.” I retorted

     “You wanna get out of it?” He asked me, grinning.

     “I…um...well…” Before I could fully answer he pulled me out of my seat and dragged me out of the room. Soon we were walking quickly down the hall out of the school.

     “What the heck are you doing, Michael!?” I yelled when we were outside.

     “I have somewhere to be and you didn’t want to be in there either. So we got out!” He answered laughing. But I was scared for the consequences. Before I could answer I heard three voices calling Michael’s name. I looked over to see Ashton and two other boys running towards us. That’s when it hit me.

     “Wait a second…” I turned to Michael. “You guys… Your in that band. What’s it called… 5 Seconds of Summer?”

    “Yeah that’s us!” A tall blonde boy in the group answered me before Michael could. I smiled at him. He was cute.

     “Yeah,” Michael answerd grinning shyly. “This is Luke.” He said pointing to the Blonde one.

     “I’m Calum.” A darker haired boy smiled and shook my hand.

     “And I already know you.” I said to Ashton, winking.”

     “Yeah.” Said Ashton blushing and laughing. Then I remembered something else.

     “Oh crap.” I muttered, looking down at my watch.

     “What’s wrong?” Asked Michael. I then explained to him that I have no ride home and that my dad was out on business until Monday.

     “Just come with us to our gig.” Said Ashton. “One of us can take you home after! I want you to hear us play.” He said excitedly.

     “Yeah, Ally. You wanna come?” Asked Michael hopefully.

    “Um… Sure. Sounds fun.” I answered a bit hesitantly.

    “Yay!” yelled Ashton happily. We all started walking to the parking lot. Ashton and I walked behind the group talking, and laughing. I looked up to see Michael glancing over his shoulder glaring at Ashton. I rolled my eyes at him and continued chatting with Ashton. I liked him. He was kind, and funny. He grabbed my hand and we raced ahead of the others laughing really hard. I glanced back again at Michael. He was staring at me. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at the ground.

     “Okay everybody in the van!” Said Luke motioning to get in the car. I sat in between Ashton and Michael. Both were competing for my attention. I gave most of it to Ashton. I was kind of mad at Michael for dragging me out of detention. If I get in trouble I’d blame him. Soon enough we pulled up to the place where their gig was.

     We all walked in together but I pulled Ash aside and asked him, “Should I follow you guys or go with the crowd?” He opened his mouth to answer but Michael answered first.

     “You’re coming with us.” He said it as a command and I didn’t wanna argue.

     “Wait here, Ally.” Said Calum to me as the boys walked into their dressing room. He smiled at me and shut the door. I took out my phone and sat on the floor against the wall. I could tell Michael was upset.

We Are Family|/-\|. (Michael Clifford Fan-fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now