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     I smiled at Michael. he smiled at me. We are sitting on the couch in my living room at home. We are watching The Notebook. He grabs my hand and pulls me into his lap and kisses me. I giggle and he smooths the hair out of my face. He leans in for another kiss.

     I sit up in bed. I push my hair back and look at my clock. it was around ten a.m.

     "What the hell wsa that dream." I mumbble to myself. Me kissing... Michael? No. No. NO. This is not happening i like ASHTON. not michael. Or did i? Did i like either of them? I don't really know. I layed back down and pulled the covers over my head. My mom would have known what to do. But she isnt here. She is dead. She is gone. And theres nothing to remember her by or to bring her back. A singly tear slipped out of my eye and dropped to my pillow.

 BUZZ.BUZZ.BUZZ. I crawl out from under the covers and answer the phone call.

     "Hu-hullo?" I mumble tiredly into the phone.

     "Hey  Ally. Are you busy? You wanna hang out?" Ashton's voice at the other end of the line makes me sit up quickly in bed. 

     "Oh hey Ash! Im not busy! I'm just at home!" I say this while rolling out of bed and smoothing my hair. 

     "Okay. Then you can come open your frontdoor then." I could basically hear his smile through the phone. I laughed and hung up throwing my hair up in a pony tail. I run down the stairs, tripping a little as i make it to the bottem. I throw open the door to see ashton with a star bucks bag and two coffees. 

     "Thank God for you Ashton Irwin." I say to him and pull him inside. I was starved and eager to get my mind off of the Michael dream. Ashton smiled and plopped down on the couch. Neither of us cared about my terrible appearence.

     "I brought a blue berry muffin and a slice of ound cake. I'm cool with either which do u want?" He smiled at me as i reached for the muffin. I sipped my coffee and sat on the couch next to him. 

     "Let's watch a movie, Ash! Oh! Despicable Me is on!" I laugh at my own childishness and he laughs too and says," I LOVE that movie! Put it on!" I giggle and hit play.

     We sit close and laugh at the childrens cartoon we watched. Next i put on Toy Story which Ashton never had seen! He put his arm around me as we watched the movie. We were right in the middle of a funny part when the doorbell rang.

     "I'll b right back." i smiled at Ash. I hurried to the door and opened it. It wsa Michael. "Uh-oh" i think to myself. 

     "Watcha up to Ally?" He asks flashing me his smile. 

    "Oh um..." I stammered. I was feeling awkward because of my dream, "We are just watchign toy story." I said as he came in and stared walking into the living room.

     "We?" he asked smiling over his shoulder at me. He stopped dead when he saw Ashton on the couch witch a coffee laughing at the movie. I hurried past Michael and resumed my place with Ashton. Michael sat down directly next to me. I glanced over at hima dn laughed nervously. Ashton's phone went off.

     "I gotta go Ally. Sorry to ruin the party." He said eyeing Michael. "I'll call you later" Ash said as he stands up to leave. He smiled at Michael and hurried out the door. I sat there. Right next to Michael. 

     "Come on. Get up. Get dressed. We are going to the park." Michae said. It was basically a command. 

     "Um okay." I answered him. I quickly went up to my room and grabbed shorts and a crop top. I opened my door and ran straight into michael. He looked me up and down. 

     "Wow. You look... great." he whistled at me. I rolled my eyes and said, "What are you doing up here?" 

     "You were taking forever." 

     "Was not."

     "Was too, my lovely Ally." He looked over at me and winked.

     "My lovely?" I asked him raising my eye brow. He smirked and grabbed my hand. Intertwining our fingers and pulling my out the front door. We skipped as we were on our way to the park. I laughed and laughed. So did he. We raced eachother around the park and then he stole my shoe. We pushed eachother on the swings. I had not felt that happy since my mom had died. Should i tell him about it? No. Not yet. We are having fun. I dont wanna ruin that, with my sad sob story. 

     "Lets get food!" Michael said excitedly. He hurried towards a pizza place and i ran to keep up with him.

     "Wow that was really great pizza, Mike! Thanks for paying too." I said to him as we were walking back to my house. He smiled over at me and said, "it was no problem." My phone vibrated.

     "Hey beautiful. Picking you up at 8 for a movie! -xx Ash." I sighed and slipped my phone back in my pocket. Michael noticed my sigh and looked over at me.

     "What is it?" He asked. It was a lot of things. It wsa Ashton and him. It was my dad. It was my mom being dead. It was me. It was a lot.  So instead i just answered him with, "Oh. Nothing Michael don't worry. I'm just tired." He smiled and said, "Okay." 

     I said goodbye to michael and i checked the clock. It was 7:30 and Ashton was coming at 8! I ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door to get pretty for Ashton. I didn't know whether to consider it a date of not but i decided not to. Then why was i getting pretty..? Is it a crime to wanna look pretty for an extremely cute australian boy who may or MAY NOT BE interested in me?? And the answer is no. It is sooooo NOT  a crime

We Are Family|/-\|. (Michael Clifford Fan-fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now