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     I woke up still clothed in my outfit from yesterday. I got out of bed and wished Michael was still here. i glanced at the clock. It was 7. I grabbed some different clothes and ran downstairs. I still felt very weak but i wanted to get up and go to school. My dad had already left for work and Ashton wasn't here to pick me up. I called him... But no answer.

     "Where the hell is he?" I moaned i grabbed my bag and started walking to school. it was ten blocks and i had thirty minutes. I started to pick up the pace and jogged a little. I must have looked insanely stupid jogging in skinny jeans and sandels down thhe sidewalk.

     "Ally!" a familier voice called. I turned to look over my shoulder. It was Luke and Calum in Luke's car.

     "Come on! Get in or you will be late!" Luke called again. I smiled and got in with them. 

     "Hey guys! Thanks for the ride. Do you know where Ash is? It seems that whenever we hang out he suddenly has to go. And he didnt pick me up today. Do you guys have any info?" I asked them. The two boys exchanged nervous glances. But the shook there heads and Calum shrugged and turned up the music. I shrugged and looked out the window for the rest of the drive.

     We finally got to school. I chattered about nothing aimlessly and walked into school with them. I grabbed my books from my locker and went to Ashton's to see if he was there. I saw him. He was hugging some girl... Wait no... OMG. They are KISSING!!! I dropped my books on the floor. Ashton looked up and went pale. 

     "Ally i..." 

     "SAVE IT DICK HEAD!" i yelled at him turning around. I bumped right into two people. I looked up. Luke and Calum. 

     "You both knew. Didnt you." I say it more as a statement than a question.

    "We umm.." Luke started. I brushed past them. I hurried to leave the school. I heard Michael caling after me but i did not stop. I made it outside. I didnt care if it was ten blocks. I ran. The whole entire way. I crashed through the front door and ran upstairs locking myself in the bathroom. I felt my phone go off in my pocket time after time. I didnt look at it. I pulled open the drawer in the bathroom and pulled something out i thought i never would. 


     I slammed Ashton up against the lockers.

     "HOW THE HELL COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER? What is you issue Ashtom!" I dropped him onto the floord and walked away. He disgusted me. Did he have any idea what she was going through? I called her three times. It kept going to voice mail. I texted her during every class i had. She never replied. At lunch hour i went outside to call her again. NOTHING. I gave Ashton the dirtiest look ever when i walked past him. His face was blotchy. I saw he had been crying. But i did not care. I hope he was crying. i hope he drowns in his tears.

     After school i got on my motorcycle and raced to her house. I banged on the door. I yelled her name.

     "God i hope shes ok." I whispered.  I went around the back of her house to her window. There was a huge tree right next to it. I climbed it and banged on her windor. 

     "Ally! Ally please come out." I yelled for her. I could her crying. She would not come out. I knew her. She felt passed up. She felt unwanted again. No! I could NOT let this happen to her.

     I climbed out of the tree deciding to leave her alone for a while. It was all i could do not to beat the living hell out of Ashton.


     Yes. I did it. I cut myself. It was one deep cute on my left wrist. I felt the surge of pain. I could not bring myself to do it again. I did not hate myself enough yet. I dropped the razer on the floor and passed out.

     I woke up hours later. I saw my bloody wrist and the razer. I stood up and cleaned myself and the razer off. I stumbled into my room. I changed my clothes and got into bed. I looked at my phone. There was six missed calls. Four from Michael, One from Luke, and one from Ashton. There was 15 texts from Ashton and Luke and Calum and Michael too. I didnt call them back or respond to them. I only laid back on my pillows. I texted Jenn. I wept into my pillow. I could here some one banging on the door downstairs. They were shouting my name. I couldnt make out who the thick Australian accent belonged to. 

     "Breathe Ally, sweet hearted girl. Just breathe." Jenn said as soon as i picked up her call. I cried to her and told her everything. I told her about what I saw and how I ran home and cut. And how someone was banging on my door. She started crying herself when i told her i cut.

     "Darling i know you are hurting. But you are worth so much. You are kind and beautiful and kind. Do not do this to youself anymore. Please. Please." I cried and cried and she just listende to me. I heard her occasional sniffle from the other line.

     "Jenn I cannot do this anymore. I want to come home. Thats all i want..." I was cut short by a noise outside my window. Suddenly, i heard someone banging on my window. I gasped and told Jenn what was going on in between my sobs. I could here the voice clearly now. It was Michael. I told Jenn.

     "Wow. He really cares for you, Ally." She said to me. I just started crying. I didnt bother to get up to see him. I couldnt let him see me like this. I was too messy. too weak... It would drive him crazy with worry. I couldnt do that to him. I heard my dad come home. I told Jenn i had to go. I gabbed a sweatshirt with long sleeve to cover my arm. I cleaned up and walked downstairs.

     "Hey dad!" I said to him trying tp breathe normally. 

     'Hi my pet." He said cheerfully. I told him that i was very sick. and that i needed to go to bed for the next few days. He agreed and dint question me. He said he would call the school. I made my way back up to bed and went to sleep. I didnt care i was hungry. Nobody else did. I am worthless anyway. I am alone.


We Are Family|/-\|. (Michael Clifford Fan-fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now