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    I sat next to Ashton in history. He and i were holding hands but really all i could think of was Michael. Michael and that girl. That girl who had cost me detention on the first day of school! How could he have EVER liked her... Why did i care? I had Ashton. So i didn't care. But i felt sick to my stomach. I did not want to be in school anymore. When lunch period came i ran to my locker, grabbed my bag, and bolted. It was  a ten block walk to my house, but only a seven block walk to the park. When i got to the park it was pretty much deserted.I was glad i had left school. I still felt sick. Why did Michael make me feel this way. We were only friends. ...Werent we?

     I put my headphones in my ears and sat on the swing. Breathing in the fresh air. I felt so worthless. So passed up. So unimportant. My dad wouldnt notice if I stopped eating. Or self-harmed. I had already started eating less and less. I began crying right thre at the park. I stood up off the swings to walk home. A song came on my ipod. It was the same song Michael had sang to me last night. I felt so sick. I was so dizzy. I could feel the earth turning. I felt my self go weak at the knees. I passed out onto the grass. I sware i heard someone yell my name. It was probably just my imagination... 


     I went to lunch period. She wasnt there. Where the hell is she? I went to check if she was at her locker. She wasnt there but it was left open a crack. I looked inside. Her bag was gone. I cracked my knuckles and looked over at Ashton who was messing around with Luke and Calum. He didnt even notice she was gone. Ass.

     "Shit." I muttered. I was worried. She was so fragile. An from what i saw and heard last night. I was so worried about her. I ran out the front doors of the school and ran down the steps. 

     "Where would she go... Oh Ally please be okay." I said to no one as i jogged down the sidewalk. The park! Thats where she would go! I ran faster until the park came into view. I could see that someone was swinging on the swings. I started towards them. The person stood up. They looked wobbely. I recognized the sweater she was wearing. ALLY. Ally reached out to steady her self on something but it was too late. She fell to the ground in a faint. Oh god.

     "Ally!!" I yelled and ran towards her. I fell to my knees and pulled her up into my arms. I looked down at her. Everything about her face was pale. She had mascara under her eyes as if she had been crying. I knew that she had. Her lips and cheeks were pale. Her house wasnt too far from here. I scooped her up as if she weighed nothing and started walking. It was only a few blocks. I kept glancing at her face. It was so peaceful. But so pale.

     "Come on Ally. You will be okay. I am gonna take care of you." I finally got to her house. I opened the front door and hurried up the stairs with her. I layed her carefully onto her bed. Adjusting the pillows so she was comfortable. I swore i heard music softly playing. I noticed she had her ipod on. I looked down at the song she was playing on repeat. It was From Where You Are. My heart shattered for her. I saw a tear slip from her eye and trickle slowly down her cheek. I knelt beside her bed and stroked her hair. I leaned over and softly kissed her lips. They were cold and soft. I pulled back. Why the hell did i do that?

"Ashton should be here for her." I thought to myself. I pulled out my phone and texted him.


     My phone buzzed in my pocket. I was with Luke and Calum at Ally's locker waiting for her to show up. It was michael.

     "Get your ass to Ally's room NOW Ashton. -Michael." I showed the text to Luke and Calum. They echanged nervous glances and shrugged. 

     "Cover for me." I called to them as i ran out of the school. I hopped in my mustang GT and went to Ally's. How the hell did Michael know where her room is? And why did i need to be there? Where the hell had all this come from. I ran up to the front door and burst through.

     'Ash?!" I hear Michael call my name from upstairs. I bolted up and ran to the room where they were. I looked from Ally, to Michael. She was laying on her bed unconscious and pale. Michael was kneeling by her side holding her hand and looking nervously at her. I pushed him over away from her and knelt by her in his place. I took her hand in mine and stared at her. I hoped and prayed she was alright. I turned and stared at Michael coldly.

    "I will flip shit unless you told me what the HELL happened to MY girlfriend." I raised my voice at him. He knit his brows together and told me everything, from noticing she wasnt at school, to finding her fainted at the park. My heart softened towards him. I could see the care he had for her in his eyes. He really liked her... This was not like the other girls Michael wanted to hook up with just to hook up with... I knew that this was one more reason i had to protect her from him I was damn jelous. I could see they both cared about eachother. And how did they get all close? Hugging and shit. How did Michael know this was her room. Has he been here before? What the hell is going on.

     Ally began to stir.


     My first thought was, WTF. My second was, Michael! And my third was, Ashton? I tried to sit up but i felt too weak. Michael noticed i was awake and so did Ash. Michael got to me first and grabbed my hand before Ash did.

     "Wha-whats going on Michael?" I asked him. my voice was really shakey. I could see he was happy that i asked him instead of Ashton. Michael smiled at me.

     "You must have fainted or something." I knew he knows i was despratly upset that day. He didnt know that it was partially over him. But he did not want to make it a big deal right now in front of Ashton because i was so weak. Ashton's phone buzzed..

     "Shit. Babe i gotta go." He pushed Michael aside and kissed me. "Bye." He walked out of my room. I heard him slam the door downstairs. I looked up at Michael. He was hanging his head and looking at the floor.

     "Hi." I said to him. Trying to smile.

     "Hi. You want to tell me what really happened Ally? People don't just faint. Out of the blue. Are you ok?" He knelt beside my bed and took my hand in his. He looked really worried.

     "I... um was very upset at school and i did not wanna be ther anymore... So i left. The first place i wanted to go was the park.. And when i was on the swings... I felt really dizzy and my stomach hurts so i went to stand up and go home. Next thing i know i amon the ground hearing my name being called. I felt myself almost wake up but go under again... Then i feel myself being laid down here, and i swore i felt someone kiss me but that was only my imagination. Michael how did i get here?" 

     Michael looked nervous.

     "I... I carried you from the park and brought you here." I was so surprised. I managed to crawl off my bed and into his lap where he was sitting on the floor.

     "Thank you." I breathed. He wrapped his arms around me.

     "Come on lets get you back in bed." He said to me. He picked me up gently like i weighed next to nothing. He placed my down and smiled at me.

     "I guess... I'll go..." He looked sad and dissapointed. He got up to leave but i grabbed his hand.

     "Stay? Please?" I begged him. He pulled a chair up next to my bed. We held hands and i driffted off to sleep.

We Are Family|/-\|. (Michael Clifford Fan-fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now