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                                                                        ALLY'S P.O.V.


      "What the actual hell!" I yelled. MIchael was standing at the door. He was bloody and bruised. I knew he had been in another fight. I pulled him inside and hugged him. He still had not said a word to me.

     "Lets clean you up, michael. Then tell me what happened." I held his hand and took him into the upstairs bathroom. I wiped the blood from his face. There was blood all over his shirt. I looked pitifully at him. He looked away from me. I touched my hand to his face and turned it towards me. 

     "Michael... tell me what happened. Please?" I looked him in the eyes. They were an icey blue. Not his usual happy green. They were not angery. They were only sad. Only empty. They had no light left.

     "I was really upset today..." He began, trailing off, "I went to a bar and drank... And drank... And i got into a fight with some guy. And there was no where else i wanted to go but here so i came here looking for you... Also... Ally... I um... I care about you... and i want you to be my friend. Will you consider being my friend? I just feel warm when i am with you... Sorry i umm sound stupid and corny." He looked down at the ground. I chuckled and he looked up at me, confused.

     "What? I know i am terrible with words..." He said. I noticed a tear trickle down his cheek. I tilted his chin up at me and wiped the tear away.

     "Michael the only reason i laughed was because that is the most beautiful apology i have ever heard. And yes, I would love to be friends with you." I smiled and hugged him. I knew Ashton would kill if he saw Michael and I hugging in my bathroom at 10p.m. 

     "Come on." I say to him, "lets go hang out in my room, its warmer in there." We went to my room and i shut the door. We plopped down on my couch and just talked about silly stuff and music.

     "Michael, can i ask you about your family?" I asked him the very hesitantly... He sighed and nodded.

     "I am an only child. My parents love me and i love them but... I mean... They are dissapointed with me. I am not the perfect son or the perfect student. I feel empty and just unwanted by them sometimes. I feel like they would rather have some one like Luke, or Calum... Or Ashton." He glanced up at me from his lap when he mentioned Ashton's name. I took his hand and shook my head.

     "I am sure your parents love you for who you are. Michael nobody is perfect. NO ONE. Especialy not Calum or luke or Ashton." I added laughing. He chuckled and smiled at me. That smile. I even saw light coming back into his eyes. 


     We laughed together. My heart felt happy for once.

     "Ally tell me about your family!" I said to her. Almost instantly, her smile faded. She looked towards a picture on her dresser. She got up from her place on the couch and grabbed the photo. It was of a little girl, and an older woman who looked just like her. and a man was with thm too.

     "That is my family." She sighed and put the photo back.

     "My mom's dead now. She died earlier this year. She had cancer. I have only cried about it a few times... My dad just carries on like nothing ever happened. He doesnt pay attention to me. He leaves me here. In this place i dont know at all. No one understands me. They never have. Only my mom did. And now she is gone forever. And i am left alone. And i feel alone. And i always will. So in short... I have no family." She ended there before she started crying. 

     I pulled her into my arms. She didnt pull away she only relaxed into my chest and she took some deep breaths. I held her close. I tried not to let my mind wander and wish she was mine instead of Ashton's.

     "But Ally... Not all of that is true..." I said to her slowly. She stiffened a little in my arms. As if she was realizing it was me and not Ashton. But she didnt move from her place.

     "What do you mean, Michael."

     " i mean... I understand you. You won't always feel alone because i am always here for you... And you do have family. You have me. And you have Luke. And Calum. And Ashton of course. We are your family." I said Ashton's name without a bitter taste in my mouth. Because this wasn't about me, or Ashton. This was about Ally. And this was about how i wanted her to know that she was valuble and wanted. 

     I felt her tears spilling from her eyes onto my shirt. She cried. She shook in my arms. Sobs wracked her body and she gasped for breath. She coughed out the words, "I miss my mom so much." I rocked back and forth signing to her From Where You Are.

So far away from where you are 

These miles have torn us worlds apart 

And I miss you, yeah I miss you 

So far away from where you are 

I'm standing underneath the stars 

And I wish you were here 

I miss the years that were erased 

I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face 

I miss all the little things 

I never thought that they'd mean everything to me 

Yeah I miss you 

And I wish you were here 

I feel the beating of your heart 

I see the shadows of your face 

Just know that wherever you are 

Yeah I miss you 

And I wish you were here 

     By the end of the song Ally had stopped crying and was breathing normally. I heard her whisper something into my chest. It made my heart beat a little faster and my smil come onto my face.

     "Thank you michael. Your one of a kind." Almost imediatly after she said that she fell asleep. Here i am with Ally, after she and i poured our hearts out to eachother, after she cried and cried. Here i am with her asleep in my arms. And Ashton has no idea how much she is hurting. I tried not to let my jelousy start. But it was too late. How does he get her? I am here for her. Not him. But you are the one who came to her first tonight dumbass. I sighed and leaned my head against the pillows of the couch in her room. I smoothed the hairnout of her face. She looked so calm as she slept. No walls. No hurt. Just... Ally. And i loved that.

     I knew that she didnt realize that what i had said about my parents earlier. About them rather having Ashton luke or calum... I knew she didnt know i meant it about her too. And that was the thing that absolutely killed me inside.

We Are Family|/-\|. (Michael Clifford Fan-fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now