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Chapter 8

Dragging the vampire by the hair, I followed Eli through different hallway til we got to an old door. He opened it and turned on a light, I expected to find a room and instead I saw a circular stair case leading downwards. I turned back to look at my team, their expressions similar to mine. Shock. We started walking again til we got to the bottom of the stair case. I looked around at what could only be described as a room of torture. My eyes moved to the wall and an involuntary shiver went through me as my eyes found different whips hung on the wall. There is two cages and inside are metal cuffs bolted to the wall's. I turned to look at my team, letting them know what I plan to do. I dragged the shocked looking vampire into one of the cages and slammed him against the wall before holding him there while my team grab his wrists and ankles, putting them into the cuffs and locking them. I stepped back from him and watched panic spread across his face.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way, you're choice, but one way or another, you will tell me what I want to know" I said looking at him with cold eyes.

"I'm not telling you anything, do whatever you want to me, I will never tell you anything" he smirked.

"Really, that's what you all say, I will break you one way or another, through starvation or torture, mentally you won't last long. Just think about this, is your boss worth the torture. Would he protect you?" I asked smirking at him.

"You're going to have to kill me, I'm not telling you Shit" he spat.

"That can be arranged" I smirked evily. I will do whatever is necessary, they made the mistake of wounding one of my team.

I turned my back to him and walked out of the cage, locking it. Cole and Blake were now standing with the rest of the team and Eli.

"How is Jasper?" I asked Cole.

"I don't really know how to tell you this, but just hear me out before you snap" Cole said fearful.

"Okay, spit it out" I said as my patience is quickly disappearing.

"Jasper found his mate, she is one of the medics. Jasper wasn't going to survive, so she did the only thing she knew would save him Alexis. She bite him, changing him so he would survive" Cole said stepping back slowly.

"So you're telling me, that Jasper has been turned into a vampire in order to survive" I asked.

He nodded.

Pure fury raged through me again as my veins started to burn with power once again. I turned and faced the vampire cuffed to the wall. He looked at me and that confident smirk was quickly wiped off his face and replaced fear. I walked towards the cage slowly. I could hear Eli talk to Cole,

"What is happening to her, does she even know what she looks like when she is protective of her team" he asked.

"She has know idea, but like that, she really is beautiful even though she looks scary as fuck to other's, each time she changes it's more intense than the last time. Her eyes are glowing a brighter gold this time and the ruins on her body are getting darker" Cole replied.

"Your right, she is completely breathtaking, I don't know if you have seen them or not, but she looks just like the drawings of the first ever warrior, the strongest warrior created, from pure undiluted warrior blood. There has never been a warrior recored to have power close to the first. But I think all that is changing before our eyes" Eli explained.

I listened, but I didn't take it in properly what Eli has just said. I'm  to focused on the fact that Jasper was as good as dead and this vampire has the information I need. Once I get it. He won't be breathing. I walked towards him and wrapped my hand around his throat. I can feel an intense heat build up in my hand to the point the vampire has started to struggle against the cuffs.

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