Eyeball Chambers

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I used to be obSessED with him I swear to the good lord heysuss crepes

and I'll try to not be super basic with this ya know

   Walking down the street with your best friend, like any other day ya know? But then suddenly you saw Eyeball Chambers and his little group of friends all standing around the entrance to the  diner, and I shit you not it was like one of those romance movies where everything stops and all you can see is the one. But after all this is Eyeball Chambers we're talking about here,  one of kids that run around with Ace Merrill, and  the group that call themselves the Cobras. Both your mom and dad repeatedly informed you to not get involved with those boys. Their reasoning being, and I quote "I don't want you running around with those boys. They are bad news honey! They will only bring you pain, and it would all be for nothing." 

   But being the "rebellious teen" that you are, you just couldn't help yourself. You found yourself biting your lip, trying to be sexy. You thought you looked like a clumsy walrus. But Eyeball thought differently. Ace thought he was stupid to go for a prune like you, he had expressed his opinion openly several times. But Eyeball thought you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. 

   Eyeball doesn't tend to be nervous around the opposite sex, but when you were walking towards him he found his stomach suddenly filled with butterflies. Little did he know that you felt the same way, but you marched on towards him. You were the girl usually known as the shy and awkward one, especially around boys. But you put on your big girl pants and walked over to him. 

   "Hey Eyeball!" You smirked at him. You nonchalantly walked past him and into the diner. Your stomach clenched, feeling as if you were going to squeal until your vocal chords died. But you remained calm as you sat down in a booth. You ordered a Coke and decided to share a small fry with Y/F/N. The Cobras soon sat down in the booth behind you, Eyeball sitting directly behind you. 

   You felt your heart rate increase rapidly, and your cheeks flush as soon as his backside his the soft sparkly seat. You friend started asking you questions about your love life to gain Eyeball's attention. Since your school dance was coming soon that is what they opened with. "So Y/N, do you have a date to the dance yet?" They asked with a sly smile. "Well no one has asked me yet, but there is one person I want to ask. But I don't know if he ever will." You sighed, trying to keep a straight face. 

   Eyeball's cheeks flushed, and butterflies started flying. The Cobras knew that you were talking about Eyeball. He was usually so forward with his romantic interests, but with you he just couldn't muster up the courage to even talk you! He wouldn't let his sudden cowardliness get in the way of going steady with you. With a rush of bravery, Eyeball turned around in his seat and said, "I couldn't help but to over hear that you had no one to go with, so I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" This seemed so out of character for Eyeball, but it was sweet. "I'd love too!" Eyeball told Billy to move and scooted out of the booth, holding his hand out for you. 

   You gladly took his hand and you proceeded to walk out of the diner. You both walked in a slightly uncomfortable silence. You walked down to your favorite spot, it was a creek by your house. "I like you." You nonchalantly stated. "I like you too." Eyeball stopped and faced you. He cupped your 

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