Never thought I'd see you here!~Ralph Machio

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For the talented 80sweirdo

Emma's POV

I walked into the coffee shop down the street from my apartment complex. I was extremely close to being finished with all my packing. Why was I packing you ask? Well I was going into military school. I had been begging my parents to let me go for the longest time. They finally gave in about a year ago.

I ordered a vanilla iced coffee with sugar and milk. I sat down at an empty table and sipped my drink pulling a book out of my purse. "Can I sit here?" A male voice asked. I looked up and looked him over. "Sure!" I almost didn't say it. He was extremely attractive.

He sat down the chair and looked at the book I was reading. "That's a good book! I've read it three or four times." "Oh really?" I asked intrigued. He talked about the book for a while. Then he asked about myself. He learned a lot about me but before I had the chance to learn about him, well other than his name, he looked at his watch and got up. "It was nice to meet you Emma!" I got up and hugged him before he left.

My coffee was gone so I got up and left five minutes after he did. I walked back to my apartment and continued to pack. I finished around 10:45 and decided it was time to head to bed, for I had an early morning tomorrow. I changed into my pajamas and crawled into my bed which was really just a blanket and a pillow.

My alarm clock rang, I didn't pack it so I could get up on time. I rubbed my eyes, sitting up slowly. I walked over to the neat pile of clothes I set out the night before. I pulled on the jeans and t-shirt. I gathered all my luggage and went to brush my teeth. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and slipped on my converse.

I pulled all of my suitcases and bags out the door and into the elevator. I waved to Tom, the bellman, as I walked out to the can I ordered night. The ride was silent. But that was fine, I was too tired to talk anyway.
Time skip

I stood in line next to several other guys. I was assigned my bunk, next to someone named Ralph. My bunk partner arrived, it was the Ralph I met at the coffee shop yesterday. "I never thought I'd see you here!" I smiled and hugged him. I pulled away just to be pulled into a kiss. "I forgot to do that yesterday!"

80's→90's•Imagines COMPLETEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora