Pietro Maximoff

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Spur of the moment imagine. I was inspired whilst reading @-wintersoldier Avengers Imagines. There are spoilers for Age of Ultron in here so if you haven't seen it yet, I wouldn't read it.

You had just watched the one, that you loved and held the closest, die in your arms. The Sokovian ray of sunshine that was named Pietro Maximoff. You sat on the floor of the boat, taking you from Sokovia to the S.H.I.E.L.D ship. You sat with Pietro's lifeless body on yours, you stroked his silver hair. You felt nothing, you were completely numb. You didn't care that his blood was getting on your clothes. It was the last thought on your mind. You just wanted to bring your love back to life. No one talked to you, and you were fine with it. You wanted to be left alone. Fury tried to take his body from you when you got on the ship. You didn't let him. You carried his body to a room resembling a hospital room.

The bed was laid down flat with a clean sheet on it. You set him down on the bed, watching as the sheets started to become red. You stayed in that room until you arrived back at the Avengers base. It was around 10:30 and there had been no tears shed by you. Wanda didn't try and comfort you, you two were alike. You didn't want to be touched or talked to by anyone else other than Pietro if you were upset. But he wasn't here now. His body was wheeled into the new base. You stayed with him the whole time. You held his hand and stared blankly at the wall.

"Te iubesc atât de mult. Nu știu ce am de gând să fac fără tine. Bun Pietro revedere." You spoke in his native tongue. {translation: "I love you so much. I don't know what I'm going to do without you. Goodbye Pietro." This was painful for me to learn} You moved his hair out of his face, laughing quietly to yourself. "He always needed a haircut." You thought aloud. You kissed his forehead and left the room. You found the bar and poured yourself a glass of whiskey.

An hour and 9 more shots of whiskey later you began to feel the pain of Pietro's death. Your eyes began to water and then the tears were uncontrollable. You threw the glass extremely hard against the opposite wall. Your knees buckled and you dropped to the the ground. After you could move your knees, you brought them close to your body and hugged them as you screamed aloud. Bucky and Steve heard you, Wanda felt your pain. Bucky and Steve came running to you. Bucky got to you first. He sat you on his lap and rubbed circles in your back trying to calm you. You couldn't stop crying. "Steve I can't get her to stop." Bucky was confused, he didn't know what to do. "Give her to me." Bucky handed you over to Steve. He carried you to the sparring room. He set you down on the mat. "Let out your anger. Fight me!" You wiped your eyes and stood up. "Ok." You whispered. You were a little clumsy, but you could still fight. You punched Steve in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He threw a punch at you but you easily blocked it, spinning behind him and kicking him in the leg that he wasn't holding his weight on. He fell on the ground. "Get up Cap." It was an order. You needed to release your anger towards a now very dead robot. He got up and threw more punches. One hitting your bottom lip and the lower abdomen. You went for his stomach, hitting him every time. He blocked a small majority of the shots.

You laid on the ground with the backs of your hands over your eyes. You stopped yourself from crying by biting your lip so hard it almost started to bleed. Bucky laid down beside you and stared up at the ceiling. You sighed in defeat, letting the tears roll. "Bucky? Why is it so hard to lose someone you love?" You sniffled. "I don't know, that's a question you need to ask Steve." Bucky rested his hand on yours. You both sat up and hugged each other. Buck didn't know Pietro, but he still showed empathy. You two stayed like that for a while, until you heard sniffles behind you. You looked over and saw the familiar red head, Wanda. You ran over to her, engulfing her in a hug that almost knocked her over. You sobbed into each other's shoulders, now all the Avengers were awake. You had no more tears left your body, you were physically unable to cry.

You walked back to your room, pacing back and forth. You tried to fight the sleep that was washing over your body. You crawled into the bed and pulled the covers over your head, your eyes fluttering shut as you dreamed. Your dream:You looked all around you until you heard a voice. You saw the familiar silver hair, then the blue blur that you loved so much. "Pietro! I thought you were dead!"  You hugged him tightly. "Oh draga mea! You couldn't get rid of me if you tried." You missed his accented voice . You laughed at him. He was always joking and trying to make you laugh. You were glad that he was back , now that you had him back you weren't ever letting him go. The ground starting shaking beneath you, ripping you from thought. You hugged Pietro tighter. He kissed your forehead one last time.

You were awoken by Bucky. You moved the covers below your eyes, giving him the death glare. "Come on hippopotamus, get up." He laughed, setting something on your nightstand. You gave a loud sigh, pulling the covers off you. You saw a glass of water and two ibuprofen pills on your nightstand. "Thanks Bucky." You swallowed the pills one by one. You realized you were still in the bloodstained clothes from yesterday. You excused yourself to the walk-in closet in your room. You grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and an oversized shirt of Pietro's. You stripped off your suit and slipped into your clothes. Bucky grabbed ahold of your hand, walking you into the kitchen. Wanda wasn't there yet, Thor was eating probably his 7th package of poptarts today, Tony was more than likely in his lab. But everyone else was there. Except Pietro.

The day was uneventful. Though you spent the day in Wanda's room cuddled under the blankets, sharing stories of Pietro. Many tears, chuckles, wheezes, snorts, and cackles were shared. No one bothered you and it was ok. You and Wanda had each other and that was what mattered. You wanted to move on with your life because you knew that Pietro didn't want you to be sad. He would want you to be happy and move on. But you didn't want to move on. You wanted Pietro and no one else. You wanted to do something to bring him back and that's exactly what you were going to do.

Ewwww this was so rushed but I've had this in my drafts for a while so I needed to get it out. But I might do a part two.

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