Chapter 15

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OK, well maybe I didn’t really have a plan, but I’m sure as hell not just going to leave things like this. A couple of weeks had already gone by after that whole incident and Donovan is still ignoring me. June exams are over and luckily I don’t have the cast anymore.

Chad is having a party tonight to celebrate that we survived the exams. I might as well just go; I know Donovan is going to be there. Chad told me that he’s taking Sabrina along.

“Oh my word, I hate Sabrina” I say to Ryan as we’re on our way to the party. Yeah, I know that it isn’t really that smart to take Ryan along, but I know that Donovan doesn’t like him anymore than I like Sabrina!

“Kath, hate is such a strong word…” Ryan shrugs.

“I know, that’s why I used it! Only wish there was some kind of stronger word I could use!” I sarcastically say.

Ryan doesn’t say anything; he just lets out a sigh.

We reach the party and I get nervous. It has been a long time since I’ve seen Donovan. Ryan smiles at me before we go inside the house. People are dancing everywhere, but I scan my eyes across the others that aren’t dancing, Donovan hates dancing. Then I see them, Sabrina clinging to him like a green ball of mucus. I shrug.

I take Ryan’s hand, I know I’m not supposed to use him this way, but it isn’t as if he treated me well. He looks back at me, confused.

We walk over to where Donovan and the Blonde She Devil in Prada are standing, next to the drink table. I pretend not to see them, but I noticed that Donovan was looking directly at us. This was my chance, I put my hands on Ryan’s face then I plant a kiss on his soft lips.

I am so evil.

Then as I look over to Sabrina, I saw her giving me a death glare, then grabbing Donovan and she starts making out with him. Kill me now!!!!! Then I see something standing on the table. A bottle of Vodka.

I grab it and start drinking it. From the bottle. “I know what you’re thinking, stop judging!” I snap at Ryan as I see him staring at me with a shocked expression, “I told you Sabrina doesn’t have the best effect on me.”

“Kath, don’t do something that you’re going to regret. This is not you.” He says as he takes the bottle.

“Well people change,” I snap at him as I try to take the bottle. No success.

I see another bottle, I don’t even know what it was, but I start drinking it again.

“Kath! You’re going to regret this in the morning!” Ryan exclaims.

“Well, then I’ll just skip morning, I’m sleeping until noon!” I smile at him. My head already feels dizzy.

This goes on all night and I can barely walk. I don’t care about Donovan or Sabrina any more.

“If it isn’t the little virgin Mary.” I heard Sabrina say.

“What the hell do you want, Sa-witch-a” OK, I know that was lame, but I can’t think straight anymore.

“Oh nothing, I just wanted to know how it feels like being the only virgin in our year.” She laughs. Even sounds like a witch.

“Aghhhh man silly Sabrina, Donovan is one too,” I’m getting lamer by the minute, and the room keeps spinning.

She gives out a chuckle, “That’s what you think” and she winks.

“Back off, Sabrina” I hear Ryan saying from behind me.

I also see Donovan approaching, “What’s going on?” he asks with concern.

“You… you… slept with Sa… Sabrina?” I stutter to him.

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