Chapter 4

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I wake up and look at the clock, it’s 06:00 AM, Monday morning. How on earth did I wake up this early? I usually get up at 07:00 AM. It’s been a few weeks since my and Ryan’s date. We’ve been texting each other a lot and I really miss him. Then there’s Donovan. I’ve been avoiding him since I saw Sarah and Chad making out that night. I feel so guilty about not telling him… I mean what should I do? Walk up to him and say, “Hey, oh I wanted to tell you that your girlfriend is cheating on you with your best friend”, yeah I think not. But I can’t just leave it, can I?

As we get to school, I received a text from Jessica saying she’s going to be late. So I decide to hang with Christine and her best friend, Chanel, until Jessica is here. The three of us laugh and talk about the most random things ever. That’s something I can honestly say about Chanel, she always knows what to say no matter how random it is. She’s weird, but in a good way, just like Christine.

The bell rang and I saw Jessica making her way towards me. “Hey Jess!” I greet her.

“Hey Kathy, I have like the worst hair day ever, my hair just can’t be tamed” she says, giving a little giggle.

I turned around to go to my class when I bumped my forehead onto someone’s chin. “Ouch!” I groaned before I looked at who this brick wall was. Well great, just great! So much for avoiding him..

“Are you OK? I am sooooo sorry!” Donovan quickly explained with a look of concern in his eyes. He grabs his chin and chuckles, “You really are hard headed, you know!”

Really Donovan! Don’t make me laugh while I’m avoiding you! Good heavens my head hurts! But I manage to smile and sarcastically say, “No problem, I’ve always wanted a blue bruise on my forehead”

He laughs again and apologises one more time and then offers to walk me to class. I’m really not good at this avoiding thing, am I?

My head really hurts a lot. Hopefully it does not bruise, if it does I can just imagine the stupid jokes that people will make, like asking if I have Smurf Fever or if I’m turning into Avatar. I don’t have the strength for that, honestly!

I sit in Physics class, unaware of the fact that I’m cupping my hand over my forehead. Damn it hurts!

“I am really so sorry!” I heard a familiar voice next to me. I look up to meet his gaze, curse those blue eyes!

“It really is fine!” I smile. “Donovan…” I swallow, “I really, really need to tell you something during break…” I can’t believe I just said that! Stupid me! I most probably have a concussion thanks to the whole bump thing.

He smiles at me and says, “Sure thing, I’ll see you then”

For the first time ever I was not happy when I heard the bell for break. Now I have to tell him, there’s no backing out now. What if he hates me when I tell him? I really hope he’s more mature than that.

“Hey Kathy” I heard Donovan call me from behind. Wait, did he just call me Kathy? I wish he would stop being so adorable!

“Hey Donovan” I smiled.

He gestured his hand towards one of the benches under the tree to go sit down. My heart was racing. I really did not know how to break the news to him. Maybe I should just do it like ripping off a Band-Aid, fast!

“So, what do you want to tell me?” He has the most calm expression ever, if I didn’t know any better I would have thought that he was high.

“Well Donovan, there is no better way to say this, but a few weeks when you and Sarah just started dating, I saw her there making out with another guy…” Should I tell him it was Chad?

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