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Pssst! I released my Death Note story 'The Shiningami's Worst Nightmare'

Anyway, on to the story!

Third Person POV:

It had taken little time for Levi and Mikasa Ackerman to converge with the remainder of the Scout's after they had done battle with the female Titan to regain possession of Eren Jaeger. The pair were successful in their retrieval which resulted in Levi Ackerman injuring his leg and Mikasa thrilled with the return of her childhood friend.

But Levi wasn't so pleased with the outcome of the mission. He knew that Eren would be gutted hearing about Kaminari, that was if he didn't already know or see the sight of his comrade pinned to the trunk of the tree.

Levi had remained remarkably stoic as the trio quickly find their way back to the main group, who'd paused to regroup and count the losses. Eren remained unconscious as he was placed on the back of a wagon, whilst the bodies of his fellow Scouts who had tragically died during the expedition, were wrapped and laid out consecutively, one after another.

Four wrapped bodies were placed away from the majority, each with a faint scar residing in the skin between their forefinger and thumb. These weren't just any wrapped bodies, they were the Levi Squad. His squad. The white and cream sheets only assisted in accentuating the blood splattered and broken bodies.

But there was only four bodies recovered.

It should've sent alarm bells ringing immediately, but Levi wasn't in the right mind set as he ignorantly believed that Kaminari's body would have to be reclaimed by the Military Police for research purposes and therefore couldn't be stored with the rest of his squad. It was soul consuming to be reminded after all this time that Kaminari was only an asset, one whose remains wouldn't receive a funeral or be cremated, but would be cut open for experimental purposes.

'After all this time... the MP's finally get their way with with Kaminari,' Levi thinks bitterly.


Only a short distance away, Armin and Jean help stack the rest of the bodies aboard their half full wagon. The pair hadn't been able to see those from the 104th trainees between this small lull in the race back to the Walls.

After placing the last body on top of the growing pile, Jean forces his gaze from the full wagon. To say he felt defeated was an understatement. Jean didn't know what else to describe the emotional distress he was feeling at that particular moment.

"This is the part of our job I just can't get used to." His gaze remains unfocused throughout his statement, unable to bring himself to look into anymore lifeless eyes, let alone ones of a living breathing person. He knew that they were the lucky ones, both glad and disgusted for that sense of sickening relief he felt after living through the first part of their expedition.

Armin lets out a sigh as he changes the bandage on his head for a fresh one, feeling the exact same way as his comrade. But somehow Armin was able to compartmentalise his emotions for the time being, but his thoughts flickered between his rational side and the side which was yearning to know the status of those friends he hadn't seen yet. "Nobody gets used to it," he mutters, his mind reeling to a certain blonde that was suppose to arrive back with Captain Levi.

Armin was confused, something he hadn't felt for a long time, and it had everything to do with Kaminari Moriko. Ever since he last saw her mounting her horse and lining up beside Levi, he felt sick to his stomach. Something was very wrong and he could feel it in his bones. That, and he had yet to lay eyes on her.

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