--25-- For Lessly

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Lessly's POV:

The bonfire was burning bright as my friend threw more wood into it. We were all sitting around the bonfire on a beach late at night. I didn't know most of the people around the bonfire. I really only came because my friend dragged me along.

She was telling me about something that happened over the weekend when my eyes fell upon three boys walking towards the bonfire.

"Lessly? What are you--oh! You sure have a good eye, Lessly. Those boys are like...well, I like to call them mysteriously sexy. They just show up at things like this and they never talk to anyone. They just stare at you and make you want to explode. The tall one is Derek. The one next to him is Stephan and the one who looks like he should be in a magazine..." she sighed happily, "that's Liam."

I stared at Liam as he and his friends sat across from us at the bonfire. They weren't looking in my direction at first, but when Liam did, I had to look away.

"Lessly...you're blushing," my friend giggled, "and Liam is staring at you."

I still couldn't look at him. I tried to hide my face with my hair.

"Is...is he still looking?" I asked.

"Nope...he's not looking...wait...now he is...nope now he's not...boy make up your mind!"

I started to laugh so I looked back at him. He was definitely still looking.

"Well, should I introduce myself to him?" I asked.

I watched as he started talking to the guy next to him, but his gaze never left mine.

"I don't think you have to do that. He'll probably come to you..." my friend told me.

And she was right. Liam got up from where he was standing and walked over to my friend and I.

"Hey...do you happen to be Lessly?" he asked.

I nodded and my friend elbowed me in my side.

"Told you so," she mumbled.

"Mind if I steal you away for a bit?"

I didn't mind at all. He held out his hand and I took it. Liam led me away from the bonfire and towards the water.

"So you're Liam...right?" I asked.

He nodded and we stopped walking when we reached the shore. We both took off our shoes and sat down in the sand.

"So...Lessly...do you come to these often?"

I brought my knees to my chest and shook my head no.

"My friend dragged me here...and I gotta say, it was a pretty good decision."

I saw him smile then look up at the sky.

"Sure is beautiful tonight...isn't it, Lessly?"

I looked up at the sky then. There were so many stars in the sky.

"Yeah...yeah it is..."

I looked back at Liam and noticed he was staring at me. So I quickly looked away.

"Do you come to bonfires often, Liam?" I asked.

"I will if I know you'll be there."

I blushed.

"You sure know how to make a girl blush..."

He scooted closer to me; our hands were almost touching. If I were to slightly move my fingers, they'd come into contact with Liam's.

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