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"I don't want a perfect relationship, Liam. I just want someone who I can act silly with, someone who treats me well and loves being with me," you say as you were walking along the beach with Liam at sunset.

Your hand was in his. This was the longest time you've spent with Liam. He would always disappear on you just as the sun was no longer in the sky. You hold onto his hand tighter just as the last ray of sunlight left the sky.

"(y/n)...I have to--" but you cut him off.

"Please don't go. You don't have to go," you say.

"But I have to."

You yank your hand out of his.

"Fine! Leave, Liam! Like you always do! Why don't you just leave me permanently?! Why are you just stringing me along?! Do you not love me anymore?"

You don't let him answer; you keep talking.

"I'm sick of your games, Liam. You're with me during the day and everything is fine. But as soon as the freaking clock striked noon, all you care about is the time. 'What time is it, (y/n)?' 'Oh dear, it's getting late, (y/n).' "

You were mocking him.

"(y/n), stop doing this," Liam says calmly.

"No Liam! I won't stop! I'm getting sick of these secrets! I've called your mum, Liam."

His eyes widen.

"She says you haven't been home in months. Where are you going at night?"

You watch as he stares up into the night sky.

"Is there another girl? Did you do something your mum is ashamed of? Answer me Liam!"

And he does, but not with words like you wanted. He wasn't kissing you like he normally does. It was almost as if he was trying to hurt you. His hands grip your shoulders tightly.

"Liam...you're hurting me," you softly say.

He lets go of you, backs away and stares at his trembling hands.

"(y/n)...I'm...I'm sorry...but I have to go."

He begins to run away from you and you chase after him. You got close enough to him to be able to tackle him to the sand.

"You are not going anywhere until I get some answers!" you say by his ear.

In one swift movement, your back was on the sand and Liam was hovering over you.

"I'm dangerous, (y/n)."

His hot breath was hitting your face.

"D-d-dangerous as in how?"

You started to tremble with fear under his hold.

"It's taking a lot of restraint to not kill you right now."


"Liam...this isn't you..."

You somehow manage to get your arm free and you caress his cheek with the back of your hand. It was like he came undone; his hands were now on either side of your head in the sand. He was in the push up position.

"You're my weakness, (y/n)..."

His weakness?

"Whenever I'm around you, I have to be more cautious. They're watching my every move."

"Who's watching you, Liam?"

"They don't want me with you. They think you're a distraction."

"Who's they, Liam? Please tell me."

"My--" but another voice answers.

"He's talking about us, love."

Liam scrambles to his feet and you sit up to see three boys in front of you.

"Liam...who are--" but the boy who spoke earlier interrupts.

"We're apart of his pack. He's our leader."

You look back at Liam; he didn't look happy.

"Oh, you didn't tell her yet. Sorry mate, my bad."

"Liam...what is he talking about?" you ask.

"(y/n)...I'm a werewolf."

Then things went black. You can hear voices calling your name.

"(y/n), wake up."

"(y/n), it's just a dream."

Your eyes open and you see Liam and his mum standing at the foot of a bed.

"Liam?" He comes to your side and pulls you into his arms.

"It's alright, (y/n). It was only a dream."

"So you're not a werewolf?"

Liam and his mum begin to laugh.

"Of course not. What makes you think that?"

You shrug your shoulders. He kisses the side of your head.

"You have quite the imagination, (y/n). Thinking I'm a werewolf," he lets out a short laugh, "you know they are just a myth."

But from the way he looked at you made you question his words. Were they really a myth?

Liam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now