--23-- For Kayla

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Kayla's POV:

I walked into his house with some really exciting news, but once I noticed the surroundings, I knew he wasn't in a good mood.

"I can tell him later," I said to myself before Liam entered the room I was in.

"Hey, Liam," I said happily.

"Yeah, hey Kayla."

He said it so fast and didn't even look at me.

"What's wrong, Liam?"

I took a step towards him and he just quickly made his way to a different part of the house.

"I can't take this anymore," he mumbled as he began pacing around the living room.

"What can't you take anymore, Liam?"

I didn't want to think of it, but the first thing that came to my mind was "us". Liam stopped pacing and looked straight at me.

"You and me. I can't keep up with it. We hardly see each other and I feel like we've been distant..."

I could already feel the tears burning my eyes and threatening to spill out.

"L-Liam...I have to--"

But Liam cut me off.

"I think it would be best if we just broke up, Kayla. It'll be easier on you and easier on me. You won't have to go out of your way to come see me and I won't have to feel guilty for missing our dates because of my job..."

"Liam...please...I have to tell you--"

But he cut me off again.

"Just go, Kayla. You're making this harder than it should be..."

He turned his back to me. What? No goodbye hug? No goodbye kiss? Nothing? I couldn't hold them in anymore; the tears fell and they fell hard.

"Goodbye, Liam," I whispered, knowing that if I had said it outloud, he wouldn't have answered back.


Two years.

It had been two years since that night. I was sitting in my two bedroom house at my kitchen table. There was a piece of paper in front of me with "Dear Liam" written on the top line. I tried writting this letter to him over a thousand times, but I could never find the words to tell him that he had a son. No matter what way I tried to write it, I always ended up crumpling up the paper and giving up. And just like the others, I crumpled the paper up and threw it away.

"Maybe it's better that he doesn't know..." I told myself.

When I heard my little boy beginning to cry, I quickly made my way to his room to find my almost two year old laying on the floor. I scooped him up in my arms and held him close as he continued to cry.

"Shh, it's alright, Jackson. Momma is here. You don't have to cry anymore."

But he continued to cry and the only way I knew that could get him to stop was to sing to him. So I sang my favorite song to him; Over Again. Right away, my son stopped his crying. I wasn't sure if it was because he knew deep down that his dad sang in this song or if it was the fact that my voice was really the only thing he's heard for the past two years.

"Let's go for a walk, okay, Jackson?"

He began to wiggle in my arms; he loved going for walks. So I got him all dressed up for the cold weather outside then got myself dressed. I placed him in his stroller and began to walk away from our house. We usually took an hour walk. I would try and teach Jackson new words, but I knew he was just fascinated to be able to get out of the house. Everything was going as it usually did until I accidentally ran someone's foot over with Jackson's stroller. The man groaned loudly and I gasped.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I didn't see you there," I apologized.

When I didn't hear the man respond, I looked at him and figured out why he hadn't responded.

It was him.

"Kayla? Is that really you?"

I was speechless. It was really him.

"How long has it been?" he asked as he hugged me.

I was still so speechless that I couldn't even answer him.

"Two years right?"

I nodded since no words left my mouth. Then I saw his eyes fall upon the stroller and the little boy inside.

"Who's this, Kayla?"

Liam walked around the front and stared at Jackson. Within a few seconds, his mouth dropped open. He knew; right in that moment, Liam knew Jackson was his.

"His n-name is Jackson. He's almost two..."

Liam then looked up at me with widened eyes.

"And he's...he's mine?"

I nodded slowly.

"I tried to tell you, but I didn't know how."

Liam walked around the stroller and took me into his arms again.

"I'm so sorry I made you go through this alone. I should have been there for you," he let go of me and stared into my eyes, "and I will be from now on. That is...if you'll take me back."

I nodded again. I couldn't keep Liam from Jackson now that he knew about him. It might have taken awhile, but Jackson warmed up to Liam and my relationship with him became stronger than ever. We still had our ups and downs, but one look at our little boy was the sole thing that kept us going strong.


Sorry for the long wait

(Not taking requests right now)

-Ari Horan-

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