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"(y/n)...(y/n), wake up. We're here."

That was your boyfriend. You had fallen asleep on the car ride to meet his parents for the first time. You and Liam have been together for a few months and he had already met your parents. They adored him and were quite pleased that you were with a boy like him. Now it was time for you to meet his parents and you had to admit, you were kind of scared.

"Liam...do I really have to?" you ask as you open your eyes to see his parents house.

"They've been dying to meet you, (y/n)...and you've put this off long enough."

It was true. You always had some sort of excuse to get out of meeting his parents. But this time, you had used every possible excuse not to go and Liam had literally threw you over his shoulder and placed you in the car himself.

"What if they don't like me, Li? What if I say something and they laugh?"

You look at Liam only to see him chuckle and shake his head.

"They are going to love you, (y/n). You were like this when you met the boys too and look how that turned out. They adore you, (y/n)."

That was true too.

"But Leeeyummm!"

You see him frown.

"They're going to be disappointed that we came all this way just to turn around without saying hello," Liam says as he turns the car back on.

Now you felt bad. So you turn the key to cut the engine and then you stick the key into your pocket.

"(y/n)...I need that," Liam says as he goes to reach for the key but you swat his hand away.

"I'm going to get over my nerves and meet your parents...giving you the key would ruin that."

He smiles and you both get out of the car. With every step towards the front door of his parents house, you keep telling yourself that everything was going to be okay and that Liam is there for you. Your entire body begins to shake as Liam knocks on the front door. But when he grabs your hand, you stop shaking and your nerves are completely calm. The door opens and a woman with a huge smile appears. She takes both you and Liam into a tight hug.

"You must be (y/n)!" she exclaims.

You nod and smile.

"Liam has told me so much about you!"

She lets you into the house and you meet Liam's father. He has a smile on his face too.

"(y/n) was afraid you wouldn't like her," Liam laughs after you started warming up to his parents.

"Wouldn't like her? Sweetie! We love you! You're so kind and Liam is lucky to have you!" his mother gushes.

You smile big and you couldn't believe that you actually thought his parents wouldn't like you.

Liam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now