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It wasn't supposed to happen this way.

You weren't supposed to get the boy of your dreams by having to go through all this.

Your life was like the movie Easy A. You were just like Olive Penderghast. And Olive's Todd was your Liam. Everyone in school thought you had slept with some older guy when you actually didn't. It was just a little lie to get your friend to shut up. Your life was miserable because that's all people could think of when they saw you. They didn't give you the chance to show them the real you.

You were sitting alone at lunch one day when Liam sits down at your table. Loud gasps and whispers fill the cafeteria. Liam was a popular guy and it would pretty much ruin his reputation to be seen with you.

"Hey (y/n)," he says. You had been crying because you didn't have real friends anymore. People were just using you.

"Oh, Liam. You shouldn't be here," you cry.

"I don't care."

"But what about your reputation, Liam? If you're seen with me..." but you don't finish.

"I don't care," he says again. He reaches his hand across the table and holds yours. This shocks you; you never thought Liam would ever do that. "Let me take you home, (y/n)," he says. At first you think he means his house, but then he rephrases his sentence, "Do you want me to drive you home?" You nod and he takes your hand and leads you out of the cafeteria.

You hear people whispering mean things about you and Liam tells you, "It'll be alright, (y/n)." He drives you home and you invite him inside.

"Haven't you heard the rumors, Liam? Your reputation is probably down the drain now because everyone saw you leaving school with me," you cry as you both sit on the couch.

"What rumors, (y/n)?" You couldn't believe it.

"Haven't you heard? I'm the school--"

"No you're not (y/n). I know it's a lie. I know you. It's not like you to do something like that." You see him scooting closer to you on the couch and you didn't move. He brings his hand to your face and pushes the hair out of your eyes. Liam then trails his fingers down your cheek and you blush. "Do you mind if I...kiss you, (y/n)?" he asks.

You didn't hesitate to answer. You have been wanting to kiss Liam since forever. Sparks flew as he kisses you and you knew he felt it too because he was smiling into the kiss. "I don't care what everyone says. I want to be yours, (y/n)."

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