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"Happy Single's Awareness Day!" you exclaim as you walk down the school hallway with your two best friends.

"It's Valentine's Day, (y/n)!" your friend Aryn laughs.

"Maybe for you and Arielle. Not for me. You two have a boyfriend. I don't. So I will be celebrating Single's Awarness Day while you two get chocolate...and Teddy bears...and all that other pointless junk you two have been getting for the last two years." Aryn and Arielle giggle.

"You'll find your Valentine one day, (y/n)," Arielle tells you. Your friends walk away from you when you arrived at your locker.

"Why can't that day be now?" you whisper to yourself. The next voice you hear startles you.

"Happy Single's Awareness Day, (y/n)!" You turn and see a familiar face. A smile slowly forms on your lips. You push a strand of your hair behind your ear as he leans against lockers.

"Hey, Liam," you say.

"How are you, (y/n)?" You turn your gaze to your locker and pull out the books you need for your next class.

"I've been better, Liam."

"It's because of what today is, isn't it?" You feel him place a hand on your shoulder, but you shrug it off.

"No, not at all. I don't care about Valentine's Day. It's just some stupid holiday that gives people the excuse to buy cheesy gifts and give it to people they care about. Does anyone care about me? No. That's why I celebrate Single's Awareness Day."

"I care about you, (y/n)." You close your locker and stare at him.

"Yeah, but you're my friend, Liam. It doesn't exactly count." You walk pass him only for him to grab your wrist and turn you around.

"Yes it does count, (y/n)...I want to show you something. But you have to come with me."

"But what about class, Liam? I'm already late as it is." He begins to pull on your arm.

"C'mon, skipping one class isn't going to kill you." You let out a sigh and allowed Liam to lead you out the front doors of the school into his car.

"I didn't think this would include us leaving school property..."

"Just get in the car, (y/n)," he says. You throw your school books onto the backseat of his car and sat down in the passenger seat. He begins to drive away from the school and you start to notice that he's driving towards a small park that wasn't too far away. Liam stops the car on the street and puts it in park.

"This is the park where we first met, (y/n)," Liam says quietly. You look out your window and sure enough it was.

"Why are we here, Liam?" you ask when you turn to look at him. His hands were still on the steering wheel and he wasn't looking at you.

"We've been friends for five years, (y/n)..."

"Yeah. That doesn't explain why we're at the park where we met." He slowly turns his face towards you.

"I know you think Valentine's Day is pointless...and I'm sorry I couldn't get you anything..."

"Liam? What are you talking about?"

"(y/n), I've liked you for a long time, but I was afraid to tell you for the fear of being put in the friendzone. So the only way I knew I could tell you this without freezing up or backing out was to take you to the place where we met..." You open your mouth to speak but nothing came out. "So will you be my Valentine, (y/n)?"

Since no words were leaving your mouth, you nod your head. Liam smiles and then get out of the car. You watch as he walks around the front of his car and over to your side where he opens the door for you. He holds out his hand for yours and you take it.

"Liam...I've liked you for a long time too," you admit as he leads you to swings, "and I was afraid to tell you for the exact reason you were." You feel him squeeze your hand before he lets go to sit down on the swing. Just as you were about to sit on your own, Liam motions for you to sit on his lap.

"Are you sure this is safe, Liam?" you ask as you place to self on his lap.

"I promise not to let you fall, (y/n)," he whispers by your ear. You grasp the swing chains in your hands tightly as Liam made the swing move. There was silence between you two as a swing continued to move.

"I wouldn't mind spending every Single's Awareness Day like this with you, (y/n)," he whispers.

"You mean Valentine's Day," you giggle. You feel him chuckle.

"Yeah, Valentine's Day." You lean your head back on his shoulder as he stops to swing.

"We should probably be heading back to school," you say sadly. You would love to stay at the park with Liam for the rest of the day if you could.

"We don't have to go back if you don't want to," he whispers.

"I don't want to go back."

"Good. Cause neither do I." You both laugh and start swinging again. Liam was whispering cute sayings in your ear, but the one you like the most was, "Happy Valentine's Day, (y/n)."

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